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*Harry's POV*

Yet another fangirl asked to take a picture with me. I obliged like a nice mega-super-star and smiled next to her. She thanked me again and waved goodbye to me. I waved back to her and her and her friends squealed as I walked away. Our fans... let's just say they were pretty insane. I loved them, but I really just wanted to see my family. I knew it was a lost cause to even mention Charlie in that tweet, but I couldn't resist. She wouldn't want to see me ever again, she made that pretty clear. I knew that not telling her would result in this, one way or another. I should have just told her in the first place. But, even I have to admit she had completely blown it out of proportion. We hadn't spoken in three years because I didn't tell her I was auditioning for a singing show I hadn't even thought I would get through. It was a rather stupid reason, if I do say so myself. But I didn't care. I just wanted to see her again.

I was so thankful that security had already cleared this area so that I had a straight shot to Mum and Gemma. I rounded the corner and was instantly met with the screams of at least a thousand fangirls in an airport terminal. I saw Gemma and Mum, and I smiled. But I noticed somebody turned around facing the fangirls next to Gemma. She had a braid going down her back, and she was rather short. I wondered who it was. Then I saw Gemma turn to talk to her and she turned around. My smile faltered for hardly a second as I realized who it was. Then it came right back. She came. Charlie was here. She actually really came. I started walking a little faster, trying to hide my excitement. Charlie smiled too, and that made me get butterflies.

Then I saw Charlie sprinting towards me. She was crying and pieces of her braid were whipping around her face as she tried to wipe off her eyes before she reached me. As soon as she was a foot away from me, my suitcase had been dropped on the ground and my arms were extended. She crashed into my chest and I wrapped my arms around her tight-maybe a bit too tight. I lifted her up off the ground a little bit and put my head in her hair. I breathed in deeply, trying to remember exactly what she smelled like, because I was almost positive I wouldn't be hugging her any other time soon. Her small arms wrapped around my torso as she put her face closer to my chest. I chuckled slightly at how short she still was even after all these years.

I loosened my grip on her and she let go of me and wiped off her eyes. Her head was tilted back quite a bit, and I chuckled again.

"Hi." She said quietly. Her voice had changed more than I thought it would have. It was much more... grown up sounding than I had expected. She was looking at her feet so I clicked my tongue to make her look up at me.

"Hi there." I said. Charlie smiled again as she leaned down to pick up my suitcase. "You've changed."

She turned her head around and motioned for me to follow. The fangirls had become a million times louder when we hugged, and I won't be surprised when that picture became the magazine cover tomorrow. Charlie must have noticed what I was thinking about and she just shrugged.

"I guess I have. Not as much as you. What happened to tattoos being stupid?" She joked. I racked my brain for what she was saying. It must have had something to do with when we were close. She noticed my confusion and sighed. "All that time ago when everyone was trying to get a tattoo, you were talking about how stupid they are. Sorry, a lot of memories must have happened to you. You probably don't even remember most of that."

My heart hurt from her. She just literally launched herself at me, and now she was back into the "you're basically just a stupid pop star" mode. I nodded at her and tried to grab the suitcase from her hands.

"I got it." She said, walking faster towards mum and Gemma. Mum was crying and she came up and hugged me tightly. I heard the click of some cameras and some "aw"'s from the girls. Before Gemma came up to give me a hug, I waved to the girls. A few of them yelled things at me, most of them concerning Charlie. I really didn't feel up to answering them right now, so I just ignored those questions. Gemma came up and hugged me after Mum had let go of me.

"Hey sis," I chuckled. She punched my arm and let go of me. Her face looked happy, but I've known her for the nineteen years of my life, and I could tell she wasn't actually happy. "What's up?" I questioned.

"She missed you. A lot. I'm just telling you that in case you wanted to know. Do you know how hard she cried when we told her you got the record deal?" Her harsh whisper cut into me like a knife. Her eyes were shooting knives at me, but her face still held her perfect smile. Gemma was killing me slowly and silently. I swallowed, my Adam's Apple bobbing up and down. She replaced her happy face and ran to catch up with Charlie. She got stopped by a few fans so she took pictures with them.

I shook off the feeling that I had, what it was, I'm not sure. Walking over to where Mum was now, which was almost at the end of the terminal, I tried my best to ignore all the screams from the girls. Charlie was just about to round a corner when she turned around to look at me. She gave me a grin and motioned with her head for me to keep talking to the fans. I smiled back and waved at her. "See you soon," I mouthed. She nodded and turned back around. Her smile faltered, and I watched it go from perfectly good smile to frown within a matter of seconds. She was around the corner by the time I wanted to call out to her. Not that she would hear me though.

Mum and Gemma were gone down the terminal by the time I began to talk to the girls. I took pictures with them, signed things, almost all of the girls got my attention for a short period of time. I eventually had to leave, the guards getting mad at me that I was "wasting the space of their precious terminal". So I left. My phone buzzed to life, but this time it was a text from someone other than the boys.

It was from Charlie.

She hadn't really texted me for three years, so I didn't even know she had my number still. But she did. I opened the message, walking through the airport quickly, trying to keep my head down.

we are in garage c on the third floor.


thanks. be there in a sec.

That's what she texted me about. That's all? I was going to try to continue the conversation, but we had an hour drive ahead of us to talk as much as we wanted.

And I would be sure she talked to me.

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