Chapter 1: The Gap

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Chapter 1 my readers! Hopefully you guys enjoyed the prequel to this story and wish to continue that journey in this sequel! Any suggestions? Then let me know. I'm always happy to have y'all's opinions

Italics- Thoughts

1 years ago...

"Natsu would have helped," Rey whispered to himself. The disappearance of Natsu was very surprising to the guild. Rey and Ruben looked at each other and decided to go check for Lucy.
They arrived at Lucy's apartment just as she ran out with tears.
"Lucy?!" Ruben and Rey shouted simultaneously. They chased her through the streets to the outskirts of Magnolia. They came up to the old house Natsu and Happy live in and she barged into it.
"Natsu? Natsu?!" She shouted hoping for a response from the pink haired dragonslayer; however no response came. It was met with only silence. Rey slowly walked in as Lucy slide to the ground and began to sob.
'This must be harder on her than I thought.' Rey thought to himself as he stepped behind Lucy.
"Lucy?" Rey said quietly hoping to help calm her a bit. Ruben stayed outside the building to keep watch in case someone decides to come invade the home now that it's technically abandoned. Lucy continued to cry as Rey closed the distance and sat beside her.
"H-how could he leave? W-why? I-I need him n-now more than ever." She chokes out between her hiccups caused by her crying. Rey stayed silent for a few moments before placing a hand on Lucy'a shoulder.
"I think. Maybe he's doing this for you. I overheard him after the dragons had gone that he made a promise to get stronger," I explained. It wasn't actually a lie since Rey was standing pretty close by trying to catch a glimpse of Igneel up close. He felt a lot of pain for Natsu as he had pretty much lost the only figure he considered a father. Lucy looked at Rey with tears still rolling down her face, but she seemed calmer. Rey gave her a small smile to try and cheer her up.
"He'll come back. Don't worry. And I'm betting he'll come for you out of everyone else." Rey told her which seemed to help some as she nodded and wiped her eyes. She narrowed her eyes and nodded.
"Right. He'll come back. It's Natsu after all. He always comes to save me no matter what." She said to brighten the mood more for her own sake than Rey's. They both left the building, meeting up with Ruben just outside. They traveled back to Magnolia together with a little bickering between Rey and Ruben here and there.

Few months Later...

The first few months without the guild had been uneventful and most of the members had already gone their own ways. Lucy had moved to Crocus where she became a writer for Sorcerer Weekly and Rey had stayed near Magnolia occasionally visiting Lucy and spending time with Wendy who decided to stay in Magnolia for a bit longer. She was expected to join Lamia Scale in the next few weeks. Rey was standing outside Wendy's door fidgeting nervously and sweating slightly. He was planning on asking her to have lunch with him. Although he won't be specifically asking her on a date, he was still extremely nervous asking his crush to eat lunch. Romeo had already moved away with his dad, so this gave him a chance to have time with Wendy before she left. Rey lifted his hand slowly and knocked on the door waiting patiently afterwards.
'I'm so nervous. What if she says no? Maybe I should back out? But I've already knocked. It'd be rude to le-' His thoughts were cut short when the door opened revealing the blue haired dragonslayer in a skirt and a simple matching T-shirt.
"Oh hi Rey! Did you need anything?" She asked sweetly as she smiled placing her hands behind her back in her usual posture.
"U-um. Yea!" Rey began, "I was uh just wonder um...wouldyouliketoeatlunchwithme." He said the last part in a rush which even Wendy's dragonslayer hearing couldn't even decipher.
"I'm sorry could you repeat that? I didn't catch that last part." She said kindly. Rey nodded and took a deep breath and began to say it a bit slower and understandable.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to eat lunch with me." Rey said trying to sound more confident than before. A slight blush tinted Wendy's cheeks, yet it wasn't noticeable.
'Is he asking me on a date?' Wendy asked herself causing her blush to deepen a bit.
"A-ah um yea sure! I'd be happy too." She replied still with the slight blush. Rey smiled happily that it was a success. He was one step closer than before!
"G-great! So would you like to go now? It is almost noon." He looked her in the eyes trying his hardest not to blush.
"Sure let me just tell Carla we're going to eat." She answered heading back in to find her feline friend. Rey waited patiently outside the door looking around at the different clouds that floated by.
"Wonder how those things fly." Rey said to himself trying to figure it out. He heard the door open and noticed that Wendy had kept the same attire but had put her hair into a single ponytail in the back.
"Ok. I'm ready. Are you ready to go?" She asked stepping out of the home and locking it.
"Uh yea! I'm ready!" Rey said quickly breaking out of a trance he was in from staring at the girl in front of him. They began walking side by side with Rey leading the way to their destination. Luckily he had saved up a ton of jewels from the jobs he did before the guild disbanded so he had enough to by them lunch. They entered a small family owned eatery that was not too far from Wendy's temporary home.
"Welcome! It's a pleasure to have you! Are there only two of you tonight?" The waitress asked as she picked up two menus. Rey nodded and smiled as they were lead to their booth. Wendy sat down across from Rey as they ordered their drinks.
"I'm glad you could come with me. It's been lonely lately since everyone left." Rey said truthfully as he observed the menu.
"Yea I can understand. Have you thought about going another guild?" Wendy asked curiously already deciding what she wanted. Rey shook his head in reply, "no not really. I don't think I will be going anywhere. I might stay."
"You could come with me to Lamia Scale!" Wendy exclaimed as she stared over at Rey. Rey blushed lightly closing the menu after making his decision.
"Well. I'll think about it." He replied as the waitress returned with their drinks.
"Are you both ready for you meals?" She asked kindly taking out a pen and a notepad.
"I'll just take one of your regular soups." Wendy answered as she thought about her decision. The waitress nodded as she wrote it down and took her menu.
"I'll just have your fire chicken." Rey said handing the woman the menu. She wrote it down taking the menu.
"Alright it'll be out shortly!" She said happily and skipped away.
For a few minutes the two dragonslayers sat in a comfortable silence enjoying each other's company. Their food soon arrived and they ate, starting up conversation and enjoying themselves as Rey made jokes to get her to laugh. After they had finished and paid they thanked the waitress and told her to thank the cook.
"Hey look! Let's stop here for a bit!" Rey shouted as the passed by a park on their way home.
"I don't mind." Wendy replied as she didn't want to go home just yet. Rey ended up buy them both ice cream and they sat on an empty bench staring up at the clouds.
"Wendy why do clouds look fluffy? They deceive me!" Rey whined as he pouted staring up at the 'evil creations', as he would call them. Wendy giggled a bit before answering his strange question, "well I don't really know either, but maybe cause it's water?" She said as more of a question than an answer. The sun started to move lower and the duo decided it was time to head back. Rey glanced at Wendy a few times as he walked her back home. They made it home with no trouble.
"I had fun today Rey. Thanks." Wendy said softly as she turned to go inside.
"Wendy wait!" Rey shouted stopping her. She turned around to look at the boy behind her.
"What is it Rey?"
"I uh..." he trailed off and leaned forward quickly placing a kiss on her check before running off with his face on fire. Wendy blush furiously at the unexpected contact and placed a hand on her cheek. She turned walking into her home before she fainted from her quickly beating heart. The next few weeks was uneventful as Rey had not returned to the town which had brought a slight feeling of sadness to Wendy.
"Where could he be?" Wendy asked no one in particular hoping that the goofball returned soon; however, he never did and the day Wendy had to leave came quickly. She took one last glance behind her before she entered the train for her journey.
Rey watched from far off with a look of sadness on his face.
"I should've come back to talk to her." He said as he sighed and headed back toward the forest. In the months following he regularly checked on Wendy over at Lamia Scale, yet he never made himself visible. He heard about the commotion in Crocus that was apparently caused by a Fairy Tail wizard wearing a scarf and dragging a blonde haired girl, a blue cat, and a royal guard with him. Rey figured this was Natsu and knew he was back. He was excited about this news as he knew Natsu was going to bring back Fairy Tail.

Chapter one is finished! This was an insight of Rey's experience during the year gap and if you're wondering how Ruben became a royal guard it was because of what happened during the Grand Magic Games and because he was part of Fairy Tail. I will try to update once every week (most likely every Monday)! I hope that's reasonable for you guys!

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