Chapter 2: Surprise

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Alright! Chapter 2 is here! Hope you're excited! I sure am! Like I said I'll try to update as much as possible and I'll try to at least once a week and maybe twice if I don't get stuck. Now on to the story!

It was a sunny day in Magnolia as Rey sat in a tree over looking a part of the town. He was relaxing for the day instead of training. Rey had been training for the past 4 days straight and decided that it was good for a break, he kept up with the things Natsu and the gang had been up too. About a month ago he found out about what happened and although he was excited to see them all he had decided not to join up with them and instead wait for them here. He hadn't visited Wendy at all because the last time he was there he found out Wendy had left and gone with Natsu. Rey rocked his feet back and forth looking around at the people walking around in the town streets before jumping from his spot.
The town was abuzz with activity, from merchants to eateries, it was always a site that amazed Rey no matter how many times he's seen it. He received a message from Wendy about four days ago saying that she was coming to Magnolia to visit and will meet back up with Natsu and the others after a few days in town. He had been ecstatic when he received it and made sure he remember when she was coming, which was today around dusk. He waited near the cherry blossom trees taking in the beautiful trees and the beautiful weather.
"Ah I can't wait to see her. It's been a while since we last talked. Maybe. Now is the time?" Rey said to himself and was making the tough decision on whether or not to confess to the blue haired dragonslayer.

Somewhere In the Mountains Near Magnolia...

"Sir. We just found out Zeref's attack will not happen for another half a year! Our men are ready. We must go now!" Yelled out a cloaked scout as he stared up at the dark figure. The man turned to look down at his most trusted soldier.
"I see. Well then we should go now. We should dispose of fairy tail as of now and take down Zeref afterwards." He announced and went into deep thought as he began reformulating his plans.
"Very well sire. Shall I inform the others?" The scout asked as he turned to leave.
"Yes if you would be so kind." The man replied as he turned to look out the window of his mountain hideout. He stared out in the direction of Magnolia. Although Fairy Tail didn't 'exist' anymore it was still a threat to his plans and he was determined to destroy that threat.
"I won't let some stupid puny guild destroy my plans for an empire!" He yelled out as he clenched his fists black flames forming around him as he smashed the table next to him. He remembered his defeat, his embarrassment.
"I'm coming brother. Your brother Drake isn't finished with you yet!" He yelled out loudly as if it shook the world.

Back in Magnolia...

Still waiting under the cherry blossom's Rey was staring up at the petals that fall from the trees when the wind blows them off. He took in a deep breath when he heard footsteps approaching.
"I see you were waiting for me." He heard her soft voice say. Rey sat up and smiled brightly when he saw Wendy standing there in a short dress.
"Well what else was I gonna do?" He asked sarcastically as he let out a small chuckle. Happiness filled him since he hadn't seen her in so long. They decided to spend the rest of the day sitting there and talking. Wendy explained all the events that had happened over the days and how they found Master and many others like Erza, Gray, and even Laxus. Rey felt relief at the fact that everyone was ok and seemed to want to remake fairy tail just as much as he did.
"So where are you staying?" Rey asked her when she finished telling him the story. A light blush dusted her cheeks when she looked at him.
"A-ah well I don't really know but. I was thinking maybe with you?"
"With me?" Rey asked to clarify he heard right and he blushed softly. She nodded in response.
"B-but only if it's ok! I don't want to be a burden!" She said quickly in her nervous manner.
"Oh no it's no problem. You can stay." Rey tried saying calmly with success. He avoided her gaze as he calmed his beating heart but it became worse when he felt a pair of lips on his cheek causing his blush to deepen. He looked over at the other dragonslayer and noticed a blush on her cheeks as well.
"Did you kiss my cheek?" Rey asked staring at her curiously.
"U-Um yes. U-uh I'm s-sorry if you didn't w-want me too." She said quickly, nervousness slipping through her voice.
"No I didn't mind don't worry. It's starting to get dark. We should probably get going." Rey said trying to change the subject before his face burst into flames. They got up and began walking to the outskirts of Magnolia in a comfortable silence. Thoughts were flying through Rey's head wondering if Wendy actually held feelings for him. Remembering his objective from earlier he was determined to confess to her tonight. They continued through the forest before coming up to a tree that had a wooden ladder going to a tree house above.
"I built this over the past year with whatever I could find. It was pretty hard to build." Rey explained as he climbed up first showing her it was at least safe. Following up after him they reached the top and she had to admit he wasn't that bad a building a home. It was cozy with a bed and a small bit of furniture.
"How did you get some of this stuff?" She asked her curiosity peaking.
"I did little jobs around the town here and there and they were generous enough to pay me for my deeds." He said as he took a blanket and a pillow and set it on the couch before jumping onto it.
"I'll sleep here on the couch and you can sleep in my bed."
"Are you sure? I don't mind sleepi-," she began however he interrupted.
"No it's fine. And I'm stubborn and it's decided."
She pouted a bit before moving over to the bed then realized she had yet to change into night clothes. She blushed and looked over at Rey as he removed his shirt throwing it onto the floor next to him. Her blush deepened a bit and she took the blanket covering herself a bit.
"U-Um Rey don't look over here ok? Im going to change." She said nervously as she began removing her clothes and taking off the backpack she was wearing. It was a change of clothes for her as she knew she was going to be staying here.
"Ah! Uh ok." Rey said as he sat facing away from the girl. He blushed lightly know she was undressing right near him.
"I'm done." He heard her say and he looked over at her. She was wearing a pink night shirt with pink pajama pants, she had taken down her hair and let it flow down her back. He was mesmerized by her beauty and he said what he never thought he'd say.
"Wendy I like you a lot." He blurted out unconsciously causing said girl to blush ferociously. Realizing what he said he blushed just as equally.
"I-I uh...I gotta go check on something! You go on to sleep." He said quickly before jumping down from the tree house and running off into the trees. He came to a stop after a while and took a break next to a nearby stream.
"I can't believe I just said that." He said out loud. He heard a rustle in the bushes ahead of him. He stood up ready to defend himself just in case it was hostile. A small rabbit jumped from the bush and Rey let down his guard.
"Oh. It's just a rabbit. Hey there little guy!" Rey said with a smile on his face. His smile faded when the rabbit hopped along and soon he felt a pain on the back of his head knocking causing his world to go dark. Before he was consumed by complete unconsciousness he heard one final phrase.
"Got you. Hopefully things will be alright after all."

Alright guys! Here's the next one! I'll see you all next Monday for the next update! Leave any reviews or suggestions for the story. I'd really appreciate any comments! Have a wonderful week guys!

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