Chapter Nine-Drama

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(A/N hey guys sorry for the late update ive been busy in work)

*Dan's Pov*

I sat there in shock, Jaxon's mother is back, whats going to happen? is she going to try and take Jaxon?. I think Phil was thinking the same as he started to cry, I quickly pull him in to a hug and he starts to mumble under his breath, I can make out some words like "Whats gonna happen?". I shh him and tell him its ok and things will work out.Once he has stopped crying i tell him i'm going to take Theo home and then come back and stay with him he smiles and goes to his room.I think to my self i cant leave Jaxon here with Phil so i'll take him for a walk, I send Phil a quick text to tell him i'm take Jaxon with me for a walk and i grab them both and walk out the house.As we walk down the street i feel Jaxon grip on to my hand tighter.

"Whats wrong Jaxon?" i ask

"That lady is here again" he says and i look to see where he is pointing and to my surprise there she is standing by the coffee shop,I try to walk faster but she sees us and walks over to us.

"Jaxon baby mammy has missed you" she says trying to hug him but i pick him up and he cuddles in to my arm.

"Sophie i think you should leave" i tell her trying to walk past her.

"You have no right to have him, im his mother" she says trying to take him. I walk backwards with Jaxon one side of me and my little brother the other side.

"actually ive been more of a parent to him this last week than you have the full two years he has been born" i say and i push past her to get home.

"You havent seen the last of me"She yells but i couldnt care less.Once i reach my house i walk in and put Jaxon and Theo down,I tell Theo to take Jaxon to his room while i speak with mam.

"Hey mam" i say as i walk in to the living room

"Hey honey you ok?" she asks

"Yes and no, can i speak with you?" i ask

"sure" she says and puts her book down

"well you remember phil right? anyway the mother of his child has shown up out of the blue demanding to have her child back and phil is scared to lose him, have you got any advice?" i explain and ask her

"Well from a lawyers point of view phil shouldnt have anything to worry about, phil has raised him since he was born and by her walking out of his life who's to say she wont do it again" she tells me 

"thanks mam also im gonna stay with phil tonight to keep an eye on him is that ok?" i ask

"sure honey thats fine, im off work tomorrow so i can take care of Theo"she says and i about to walk off when she calls me back.

"you really like this boy dont you dan?" she says 

"yeah mam i really do" i reply and she smiles and went back to her book.I smile and went to Theos room and i walk in to see Theo reading to Jaxon it is so cute.Jaxon looks like he is enjoying the story but sadly i have to take him back to phil.

"Come on Jaxon lets go see daddy should we?" i say and he looks sad .

"but i wanna listen to the story" he says 

"i know if daddy lets maybe you can come over tomorrow and Theo can read to you?" i suggest hoping phil would say yes and my mam wouldnt mind.

"YESSSS" he says and gets up he gives Theo a hug and runs down stair, i give Theo a quick kiss on the head and walk back down stairs, i walk in to the living room to see Jaxon talk with my mam.

"You remind me of my Nanna, i like you" Jaxon says and hugs her and runs to me.

"Hey mam if phil lets can you watch Jaxon tomorrow aswell he wants to hang out with Theo again" i ask

"sure honey he seems like a sweet kid" she says i say a quick thank you and head back to phils.On the way home i didnt see sophie i was happy but that all went away when i heard shouting coming from the flat, i told Jaxon to cover his ears and to sing which he did,I walked in to the flat and i her sophie screaming "Where is he?" and i look to find sophie with a knife pointed at phil shouting at him, i cover jaxons eyes and i walk out and call the police,I explain to them what i just seen and that there is a child here and they send the police there really fast. With in 5 minutes the police show up and take sophie away, I run in with Jaxon who still has his ears covered and is still singing, I run to phil and see that he has cuts on his face and arm, I run to Jaxons play room and tell him to play until i come back and he runs to his toys to play. I go to the bathroom and grabs the first aid kit and run back to phil who is still sitting on the floor in shock, i take out some alcohol wipes and start to tend to his cuts, He only realises that im there when i start to wipe his cuts.

"WHERE'S JAXON? IS HE OK?" phil screams and tries to get up but i push him back down.

"Phil Jaxon is fine he is in his play room, he didnt see anything. Now let me fix your face up before you go and see him" i say and he sits down and listens, I wipe down his face and put paper stitches over them. After 10 minutes he is all fixed up and he runs to Jaxons play room. He runs and hugs Jaxon like he was going to lose him. After about 20 minutes he takes Jaxon to bed and goes to sit in the living room.

"How you feeling phil?" i ask him

"Im Ok but what am i going to do with sophie?" he asks

"Well i spoke to my mam and she said that even if she takes you to court she wont win cause one she has already left him once and now this too, why dont you get a restraining order against her then she cant come anywhere near him or you?" i suggest 

"But i cant im in school tomorrow and i got know one to watch Jaxon" he says 

"my mam said she would have him Jaxon loves her, he said earlier that she reminds him of his Nanna" i tell him

"she would?" he asks

"of course phil she loves him like its her own grandchild" i tell him 

"Omg thank you dan i dont know where i would be without you" he says while hugging me and crying at the same time, I rub patterns on his back and eventually he fell asleep in my arms.

"Dont worry phil i promise ill do whatever it takes to keep you and Jaxon safe, you two are my world, I love you" i whisper hoping he didnt hear me and eventually i fall asleep too.  

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