Chapter Fourteen-Finding Jaxon (Part Two)

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*Jaxon's Pov*

I look out the car window to see the man that took me from my room putting something in the car, i turn to the front and see the woman who hurt daddy.

"I WANT DADDY" I scream 

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT" she screams at me.

"Daddy is gone mammy is here now" she tells me a little less calmer.

"but i want daddy i dont want you" i say and she just keeps screaming at me to shut my mouth. once that man is done he gets back in and starts driving, i keep crying "i want my daddy why isn't daddy or dad here". I carry on crying and crying until i fall asleep.

*Time Skip*

i dont know how long i was sleeping but i woke up to two doors closing to see the man and woman leave the car and go in to the shop. i see she has left my window open a bit, i may only be 2 and a half but i know what to do. i see a lady walk by and i scream my head off, which catches her attention.

"Hey little guy are you ok?" she asks through the window

"No bad lady and man took me, i wanna go home to daddy" i say and she becomes shocked.

"are you saying someone took you?" she says 

"yes, they took me from my room, i want to go home to daddy" i say, the woman tries the door and to her surprise its unlocked, she opens it and takes me from my seat and puts me in her car and drives far enough away so she is out of view.she stops and looks over to me.

"did they hurt you sweet pea?" she asks and i point to my arms where you can clearly see hand marks from where the man grabbed.

"please take me back to daddy, i want my daddy" i ask her.

"Ok sweetie" she says.

*Lucy's Pov*

This poor child, i look at the marks on his arms most of his arm is covered in a hand mark which is turning purple. i take my phone out of my bag and dial 999.

"999 whats you emergency?" the woman says 

"Hi i have a child with me who has been kidnapped, i heard him screaming in a car and told me a man and woman took him, he has hand marks on his arm where is looks like he has been grabbed and keeps asking for his dad" i explain to here.

"Ok miss can i get your name please " she asked.

"Yes it lucy" i reply 

"ok and what is the little boys name?" she asks 

"Sweetie do you know your name?"  i ask the little boy

"yes its Jaxon Lester" he replies

"yeah its Jaxon Lester" i tell the woman

"oh yes police are looking for him can you tell me you location please" she asks 

"yes im just behind tesco's in west cromwell, i pulled up behind here so they wouldnt find him again" i explain

"ok im sending police over as we speak can you stay with the child until they come?" she asks

"yeah thats no problem thank you" i reply before ending the call.

"Hey Jaxon are you ok?" i ask the child.he seems really scared love him.

"yeah i just want my daddy" he says, i pick him up and cuddle him.

"its ok Jaxon im sure daddy is coming" i tell him.

"hey i see you like paw patrol" i say looking at his PJ's, he jumps up with a big smile.

"yes i love paw patrol Chase is my favourite" he replies.

"do you want to watch some?" i ask and he shakes his head so fast im scared it would fall off. i jump out of the car and to the trunk where my bag is, i open it and pull out my ipad i jump back in to the car and put paw patrol on for him i hand it to him and his face lights up.

"how old are you Jaxon?" i ask

"Im 2 and a half" he replies not taking his eyes off the screen.

"you're really smart for someone of your age" i reply

"daddy always says im gonna grow up to be really smart and that the is proud of me." he replies

"what is your daddy like?" i ask him

"well daddy is amazing, he always makes time for me, he sometimes take days off from school to look after me, but i got a new daddy too daddy dan, he is daddy's new boyfriend and he makes me happy too he always reads to me before bed, and daddy dan has a brother who is older than me a little bit and we play together at day care too his name is Theo and he is my best friend" he says, i awe at him and then think back to where he said the his dad takes time off school for him, how old is his dad?

"Jaxon how old is your dad?" i ask

"i think he is 17, thats what i hear when people ask his age" he replies like its a normal question for him, i cant believe a 17 year old is this kids dad, its amazing. Due to all the talking i didnt notice the police car pull up.

"Come on Jaxon time to go home" i tell him, i put the ipad back in my bag and pick up Jaxon, i walk over to the police officer and then out the corner of my eye i see a boy with black hair and pale skin and with tears running his face run up to me.

"Omg Jaxon" he screams and runs at me.

"DADDY" Jaxon Screams and i put him on the ground and he runs to the man, the man picks him up and hugs him for dear life. i hear a "missed you daddy" and "wheres dad". The man walks up to me.

"Thank you so much, i dont know what i would have done if something happened to him" he says to me

"its no problem im glad i could help."i reply

"How can i repay you, you saved my sons life" he asks

"You dont have to repay me ok it was nothing, Jaxon has told me alot about you and really there is no need to repay me just look after yourself" i hug him and go report to the police what i saw and then out of the corner of my eyes i see another man jump out of a different car and run to them i hear Jaxon shout "Daddy dan" and "dan" hugs him, its so cute im glad they are back together. Looking at them makes me more aware of my own children they are no much older than Jaxon. I definitely be keeping my kids close to me.

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