Chapter Thirteen- Finding Jaxon (Part One)

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*Phil's Pov*

I was woken by an ear piercing scream coming from Jaxons room. I bolted up and ran to his room with dan on my tail. Once I got there Jaxon was no where to be found, I searched every inch of the room and the house but he wasnt there. Once I realise what was happening i broke down my little boy has been kidnapped.

*Dan's Pov*

While Phil was searching the house I had clicked what had happened and grabbed my phone, I called 999, I waited a few seconds before someone picked up.

"999 Whats your emercgency?" The operator said

"Hi I need the police my son has been kidnapped" i screamed down the phone

"Ok sir please stay calm can i take your name and your sons name and age" she replied

"yes my names Dan Howell and my son's name is Jaxon Lester and he is two" i replied

"Ok sir when was the last time you seen Jaxon?" she asked

"Me and my boyfriend were sleep and we woke up to a scream and ran to his room and he wasnt there we have searched the house top to bottom and he isnt here" i tell her.

"Ok can i have a description of what your son looks like?" she asked

"Yeah he has black hair which is short and spiked up, Bright blue eyes, hes about 3ft and is wearing fireman sam PJ's" i tell her.

"Ok officers are on they way to your flat as we speak, but i have to ask have you got any idea who could have taken him anyone who you might have had a passed with?" she asks me, i think and only one person comes to mind.

"My boyfriends ex who is the mother of the child, but she was recently arrested due to trying to kill my boyfriend and take our child" i explain to her

"Ok can you tell me her name?" she asked

"yes its Sophie Jones"i tell her and she goes quiet.

"is everything ok miss?" i ask her after a minute of silences.

"Um Mr Howell it says on my system that sophie Jones is wanted, she broke out of jail this morning" she informs me.

"Oh god, what happens if she hurts my son please you cant let anything happen to him it will break my boyfriend that child is his life" i scream at her.

"Mr Howell please calm down we have police going over to her house as we speak, we promise we will do everything we can to get Jaxon home safe" she tells me.

"im sorry i just love that child with all my heart and was hoping to adopted him soon i just want him home safe" i tell her.

"I understand Mr Howell its a scary time but i promise you we are doing everything we can, Right im gonna leave you now cause i can hear our officers in the background and feel free to ring back if you have any more questions." and with that she hangs up. I run back to phil who is begging the officers to find Jaxon. I pull him in to a hug and rub circles on his back to calm him down while i speak with the officers. They tell me they have a lead on sophie and that she was last seen in a gas station with a man and baby, they know where they are going and are sending officers to the location to wait for them. I pray to what ever type of god up there that Jaxon is returned home safe.

To Be Continued..............

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