Chapter 3

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Alfie stood up crooked behind his desk, hunching his broad shoulders over it as he rifled through the papers he had previously been engrossed in, setting them back into their original pile. He was chewing on a pencil at the same time, waiting studiously for the Limbert girl to enter his office. His brain was wracked with possible reasons a young girl of her position in society would want to work in a grim fucking factory with hundreds of blokes, and even more reasons why that would be a very bad idea. She interrupted his thoughts, much the same as she had interrupted his entire afternoon as he heard the approaching sound of clicking heels on the concrete floor. They were the first thing he heard and also the first thing he clapped his eyes on as they wandered gracefully around the door into his office and stopped abruptly still on the threshold. He allowed his eyes to leave the black leather of her noisy heeled boots, skipping the shape of her body completely so as not to be lecherous and meeting directly with her own eyes
His mouth fell open slightly at the sight of the face looking back at him, causing the pencil to fall and clatter loudly on the oak of his desk beneath, and he coughed up his surprise with a raspy bark you only heard from heavy cigar smokers. The temperature of the room, or perhaps just his blood, suddenly seemed stifling. She was a picture, beautiful, not expected.

"Er...come..come on in" he spluttered, moving around to the front of his desk, gesturing her in and offering out his weathered hand as she stepped towards him meekly, a vision of lace petticoats in a mint green shawl. Her shiny hair was pinned up in a fashionable style of brunette twists and again he wondered why in the hell this posh bird would want to work in an office without any bastard windows. She wasn't right for the job, that was a certainty, she was too classy, too proper, too ornate for want of a better description but there was no harm at all in entertaining the idea for his own kicks. He was a man who liked his trinkets and she was akin to a human version of a faberge egg. A rare, pretty treasure. He couldn't help but wonder how old she was, because although she looked young, she was definitely older than he had expected and he reckoned she was ripe enough for a good stuffing. He shook the inappropriate thought from his head though as he still held his hand outstretched in greeting and the thought of her father swirled into his head. Alfie may have been as improper as they come but he would never reveal it to a lady like her.

"G'day Mr Solomons Sir" she said with a voice that was like a sweet feather brushing against his ears. She removed a glove and shook his hand with a dainty gesture and as she dipped down in a curtsy, Alfie felt his cock twitch unexpectedly, making him hurry in his bow-legged stance, around to the other side of his desk in a flustered panic that he wasn't quite used to. He sat heavily in his chair and beckoned her to sit down in the opposing one in front of it. With the security of a barrier between them he smirked to himself because he knew now she couldn't see his tented trousers that hid only the first of his loaded pistols.

"Mmph" he nodded, " so I 'ear you want a job then little miss, and er...what in the good prophet's name makes you think you would fit in 'ere?" He asked the burning question on his lips, gesturing at the office surrounding them.

The abrupt comment hit Cora's insecurities like a knife to her chest. She knew he was probably right to ask, she didn't need to work and everyone who knew of her family, which Mr Solomons obviously did, knew why, but it was also the exact reason she had come here so she spoke up for herself.

"Well because I can type like a machine and I also make a good pot of tea." She shot back, continuing despite Alfies eyes opening a little wider at her change in tone.
"I ask no questions, I work efficiently, I cause no distractions and I will get the job done. Sir. Mr Solomons. That's why." She sounded a lot more determined and ballsy than Alfie had anticipated, Although he wasn't sure about the no distractions statement she had claimed. He was distracted with the embroidery around the chest section of her dress as they spoke even now. He could imagine himself distracted by her every day until he did something about it, but he gathered himself quickly.

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