Chapter 22

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Rosaleigh was barricaded in a client room with two other girls. They had moved the solid bed against the door and pushed the wardrobe on the front side of that too, anything to keep him out.

Alfie was attempting to smash the door down with his bare hands. He had already annihilated two glass windows in the front lobby where the news was delivered to him and floored two punters who had reacted to the disruption and attempted to stop his tirade, knocking them out cold.

Her revelation had been like a waving red flag to a bull. It was his worst fears realised, his nightmares turned into reality. The confirmation of his suspicions stung like acid being poured in his eyes and the bile in his throat threatened to burn a hole down his windpipe. He just couldn't handle it.

He kicked against the wooden door like a horse acting out, harder, harder, and even harder still until the wood splintered into pieces and he could see through the gap. He wasn't sure what he would do when he got to her, he hadn't lifted a finger to a woman his entire life and he wasn't about to start now but he felt as though he wanted to rip apart her womb and claw the little bastard out himself.

It took Harold turning up from nowhere to make Alfie see any kind of sense. By this time the girls had stopped screaming, and he had slumped into a heap in the corridor with a stiff brandy that the old man had brought to him in a small crystal tumbler. He leant his back against the wall and put his head down in between his knees.

"She needs to come out here Harold.
I need her to come out." Alfie said, his voice barely a whisper, muffled by his chosen position.

"Begging your pardon Alfie but she ain't gonna budge is she? when you're threatening to snap her neck in two, the poor lady is scared to death, fearing it the way you are carrying on", Harold reprimanded him, knowing he was pushing it, but willing to risk it anyway. He had grown to care about Rosaleigh like family, they spent a lot of time together.
Alfie laughed at such a violent remark repeated to him by an old fellow. Though he was hardly an innocent man, one third owner of an illegal brothel, he still had an air of high-end class about him and Alfie had always liked and respected him. He always seemed so out of place in a dirty hole like this. Too much like a grandpa. He hoped for a second he wasn't actually Rosa's grandpa but none of that was his problem anyway.

"It ain't mine" Alfie said, shaking his head rapidly. "I only nutted in her from time to time mate, when I lost control of meself" and not for ages either, if I can recall at all" he rambled, scrunching up his features behind his long beard, wracking his brains for a time that he had.
The old man before him began to look flustered.

"It ain't my business Mr Solomons" he uttered in a panic, obviously wishing not to say the wrong thing.

Alfie tried to fathom a time when he could've likely impregnated her but his mind was foggy as fuck and his temples ached from the day he'd had.
He stood up abruptly and Harold edged backwards nervously as a reaction to it. He reckoned he might have to ring the big boss if Alfie didn't calm down. The windows were already smashed to smithereens, and he was wary that the women soon would be too. He'd seen Alfie use the bleeding fists that now hung by his side many times before. Men were crippled and never walked again at the hands of Alfie Solomons. He could do mighty damage to a female.

"Rosa?" Alfie said quietly, his head pressed against the dented and splintered door that he hadn't managed to knock completely through, the damn English oak. His voice was much softer now, more pleading than threatening. He needed to try a different angle if he wanted to speak with her, his anger was doing him no favours.

"Rosie" he tried again. "Come out now love, I'm sorry, .....I ain't gonna hurt you. Just.. Come out." He asked her.

"No, you're a madman... a fucking madman." She shouted back shakily.
He sniggered audibly. "Yeah rosa love, yeah I am, you knew that anyway... knew that all along. You also know I ain't gonna hurt a hair on your head, I'm just in shock. If you come out now, we can talk about it. We can just talk." He pleaded in what he hoped was a calmer fashion. He still felt like a raging furnace inside but he had to tether it.

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