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"I... can't take this anymore... Kanan-san."

You-chan was talking to Kanan with her phone. Kanan told her that she could always call her, anywhere, anytime; If she needed someone to talk. She was betrayed by her closest friends, and Kanan was the only one there.

After being taken to a psychologist by Kanan, You-chan wasn't going to school, eating properly, or, replying calls from Aqours members other than Kanan. It wasn't just an emotional breakdown. Her sanity was shaking. The rest of Aqours didn't know this, as excepted.

"I... understand. You should stop thinking about them. Also, you took today's pills, right?"

"Yes. I have.. ."

"Kanan-san... May i ask something ?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you love me?"

Kanan blacked out for a second, she did have feelings for You-chan, but how did she guess it so suddenly?

Kanan didn't know how to reply. She stayed silent, thinking deeply.

"K-kanan-san, are you t-there..? ?"

"Y-yes, i am... I... have feelings for you... I always had... Even before that incident... You always seemed like the perfect girl, who was always happy and energetic... I looked up to you, You-chan... But i always saw you close to Chika-chan and Riko-chan so i let my feelings to be platonic... Even seeing you, hearing you, feeling you.... That was enough for me. I was the one who left you chocolates at your those "days". I was the one who secretly helped you in your exams. I always watch you in the evenings after school to make sure you are okay. And i saw you that day... My heart couldn't take it to see you like that... You-chan, please accept my feelings, desu!"

You-chan was speechless.

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