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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney
or Beauty and The Beast.
I only own Rue. Enjoy.

Btw, when I say fried pork I mean bacon.


"Do not underestimate the allure of darkness, for even the purest of hearts are drawn to it."  


     Something everybody has fought at least once. Whether it be with others, with guns and swords, or just themselves. In the end, someone - or something - always loses. And sometimes, the losing side isn't the best sport about it. 

     And here, in this chapter of a life writing out it's own story, we have a war going on. Currently, Rue is fighting her own battle. Tell him? Torture herself and never get the man she loves? What does she want? More importantly, would Gaston want her too? 

     Too many questions with no answers, for now. And now is just a moment trapped inside a time period that will get better, if not worse. Hopefully better. So right now, let's not waste it, just like Rue is by not getting her happiness. 

     She awoke that morning, mid-nightmare of drowning in the river. It was such a vivid dream that it felt real. It felt like she was drowning all over again. But this time her death was approaching instead of finding a branch and pulling herself out of the river. 

     Rue only sighed, pushing herself out of the bed and grabbing a towel. She washed up, then got dressed and went to face the day. Her hair had naturally dried in the warm air, lightly curling into waves. She stood over the sink, then brought her head up to see herself in the mirror. Her cold sweat was gone, and she smiled. 

     It faded once she turned from the mirror and walked to see the innkeeper, Louis. He looked up, taking notice of the woman. 

     "Ah, so you were the mystery person last night, I'm guessing," he said, smiling at her. 

     "Indeed I was, Louis," she said walking over to the breakfast bar. He grabbed a plate of eggs and fried pork, setting it in front of the girl. She smiled and nodded a thank you before digging into her breakfast. 

     Once eating and drinking for a good fifteen minutes, she walked back to her room to gather her things. It was only a one night stay. So when Louis saw her, a distressed look took root on his face. 

     "Leaving so soon, Rue?" he asked, walking around the counter. 

     "Yes, my apologies. It was a night stay because sleeping in the tavern was too much last night. I couldn't, not after... I just couldn't." Louis understood what she meant, and nodded. 

     "Visit again if you would like," he said, causing her to nod. She smiled at him, then walked out of the inn. There she was met with the busy streets of the town. She ducked under trays and made her way around people. Memories flashed in her mind of doing this as Gaston went to go ask Belle to marry him. 

     That was quite the emotional train. She hated seeing him in love with someone else, and it was almost depressing. Rue was almost jealous of the odd young beauty. Belle didn't even want to marry anyone. She wanted to travel.

     But it was true. Belle wanted to travel, and Gaston wanted to have children. Rue even put up with Gaston telling her that he wanted to marry Belle. 

     "Picture it, Rue. A rustic cabin in the woods. Our little children running around while my wife, Belle, massages my feet." Rue hated hearing that come out of his mouth, knowing he had no thought of her. 

     What was most painful was how she would tell Gaston the perfect tips to trying to win Belle's love. Of course he was impatient and didn't want to do any of the things she said. He rushed in, taking what was his. 

     She also remembered the words she had sang to Gaston. With the help of others. It was... a relief. Gaston didn't know but Rue was telling of how she felt the man was viewed in the village. 

     "Who plays darts like Gaston? Who breaks hearts like Gaston?" She remembers the memory vividly. She had somehow managed to get those three idiots to sing, and they turned out to be pretty good. 

     "There's just one man in town who's got all of it down." Rue smiled, then realized that she was now in front of the tavern doors. Her heart pounded fast, showing her true fear. Which was facing Gaston now. He wasn't in love with Belle anymore, obviously. Honestly he might have given up on love. 

     So Rue is going to take the chance and walk into the tavern. She opened the door, hearing a sling. She quickly ducked as a knife went straight into the door. She popped right back up, grabbing the knife and looking at it. 


     It was carved into the small circle at the bottom of the knife. She hummed, looking up and seeing the man before her in shock. He had thrown the knife from clear across the tavern and still hit his target. Almost, actually. 

     "Rue," he breathed out, taking a step forward. She dropped the knife and her bag, stepping forward a bit. "Rue!" he exclaimed running towards her. He tackled the girl in a hug, keeping her close to him. "Rue, I was afraid-"

     "It's okay, you don't have to say it," she said, stepping away and looking up at him. He nodded, sliding his hands down to her arms. 

     "She fell in love with that beast," he said and Rue nodded slightly. She breathed in, realizing he was getting over the previous events. "Why didn't she love me back?" Rue breathed out again. 

     "Sometimes it's not meant to be," she said, nodding slightly. Then accepted her fate. It's not meant to be. 

     "Love is wicked," Gaston seethed turning away from the girl. She sighed, following him as he walked to the fire. 

     "It truly is," she said, barely loud enough for him to hear. She looked at the fire, while Gaston looked over at her. He noticed something on her face and in her eyes that has been there for a long time now. And just now, he's realizing it. He saw the true pain on her face. Had he caused it? 

     "What bothers you, dear friend?" Gaston asked her. Rue looked at him, then shook her head. 

     "Have you ever had a near death experience?" Rue questioned him. Gaston shook his head slowly, Rue giving him a light smile. "Good, I never want you to." 

     "How did you survive?" Gaston asked, not being able to hold the question in much longer. Rue looked at her hands, shaking her head slowly.

     "At the last second, I saw a branch. I grabbed it, pulled myself up and then coughed up a lot of water," Rue answered with a nod. "But I don't really want to talk about it right now. I want to forget that it happened." 

     "Rue, you saved my life," Gaston said taking her hand. She looked at him, breath hitching in her throat. "A-And I know I didn't deserve it because I tried to leave you behind, and I am deeply sorry. I will forever be in debt to you, seeing as there is now way I could ever repay your heroic actions." 

     "You don't understand, Gaston," Rue muttered as she shook her head. She looked up at him, almost angry with him now. "I didn't save you to be a hero." She stood, walking out of the tavern swiftly. He stood as he watched her go, hurt in his eyes and heart. He knew what he had to do, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. 

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