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     Rue sat at the counter in the tavern, sipping on hot chocolate while people started filing into the place for breakfast. She was going to head out for the woods to find Gaston while he was hunting. She finished her drink and ate one last piece of bacon before heading to the stables behind the tavern. 

     Once she got there, she got her horse, then went to the woods. She saw Gaston's horse and stopped there. She tied her horse to a branch then quietly started looking around. She heard rustling, and quickly hid behind a tree. A second later, she heard a loud thud. Rue looked around the tree to see a deer lying dead on the ground with an arrow in it's stomach. 

     "Found him," she mumbled, looking up at the tree's. From across the woods, two feet hit the ground loudly. Rue takes notice of Gaston, and he smiles at her. 

     "It's a great morning for hunting!" he exclaimed, trying to push away the pain of losing Belle. And how broken Rue was. He ignored Rue's look she gave him as she saw him pushing it away too. A minute later, the deer was loaded onto the crate behind Gaston's horse. 

     "Gaston, maybe you should start focusing less on-" 

     "What happened I know. I have to move on. Rue, I've made it my mission to try and stop myself from falling love." Gaston sighed, tightening the ropes on his satchel. "It ends in too much pain and misery, for the both of us." He walked past Rue, and to his horse. She stood there for a second, then looked at the ground. 

     "Right, the both of us."


     Rue sat in the tavern, slouched over and not caring what people around her were whispering. She knew that things would be bad right in the beginning after what had happened. Gaston tried to kill the prince, and these people are small-minded. They aren't going to think to themselves: He was just trying to protect the girl he loved. 

     Now, they only see him for the thing he truly was. A monster. A beautiful face could cover up a whole lot of anger and agony. Which was what helped Gaston most of all. These people were blinded by his looks, and now they can truly see beyond the fame. They could truly see his beast. 

     These townspeople felt bad for Rue. They wanted to keep her away from Gaston now, they wanted to save her. They didn't want her to fall in the same trap that Belle was in. The only thing they don't know is that there is no saving her. Rue is a lost cause, and they can't pull her back. She can't even pull herself back. 

     "I feel bad for the girl, she still is glued to him. Someone should help her." 

     "She's on Gaston's side, there's no helping her." 

     "Yeah, you're right." Rue slammed her drink down, standing up and walking out of the tavern to the upstairs loft faster than she anticipated. The things people could say. It bothered her so much. It had been happening the entire day. And hearing that pushed her over the edge. Tears burned the back of her eyes, and this time she didn't care to let them spill. So she let them. It was pain. She couldn't tell Gaston, he didn't love her back. And that was that. 

     "Rue?" Gaston said from outside the door. He knocked using two fingers, but it still came out loud and clear. "Rue, I saw you run in here, what's wrong?" She didn't answer, and she didn't want to talk to him. She couldn't really talk to anybody. Which was what broke the girl even more.  

     "I-I'm sorry, Gaston. I would rather not talk about it," the girl replied, her voice still trembling. 

     "Rue, let me in," Gaston urged on, and she sighed. He waited a minute, but the door didn't move an inch. He sighed, grabbing the key from the top took above the door. He unlocked the door, and walked in. "Rue." 

     "I told you that I would rather not talk about it," she said, pulling her bed sheets over her face. Gaston walked over with a sigh, then sat at the foot of her bed. 

     "I don't know what you're feeling, but if you want to tell me, then tell me. But I'm not going to leave you here to be alone," he said. She peeked over the sheets, noticing he said the word 'alone' in his statement. 


     "I will gladly lie here with you and be a bit sad as well. Seeing as you have reasons, and I have mine," the hunter said, nodding at his best friend. She smiled weakly, and nodded slightly at him. Gaston stood up, walking to the other side of the bed. He took his jacket off, and his boots, then lied down next to Rue. She turned to him, and he then noticed her puffy eyes. He frowned, wiping a tear from her cheeks. "Whoever hurt you, is going to pay." 

     "I don't think they will," she shook her head, closing her eyes slightly. 

     "Rue, you're my best friend. If anyone ever breaks your heart, I'm going to kill them," he said, making her laugh slightly. 

     "I don't think you want to kill this one," she said, breathing in a bit. "I wouldn't want you to either." 

     "Just come to me if you ever want him taken care of," Gaston said, furrowing his eyebrows at her. 

     "I don't want this one taken care of though. He is already taken care of," she said, and he furrowed his eyebrows again. 

     "I don't understand," he said, and she shook her head. 

     "You wouldn't," she whispered, then smiled. "You won't, not for a long time." 



     "Did I really lose her? Or is this all just a dream?" the hunter asked. Rue's stomach tightened, and she nodded slightly. 

     "You lost Belle, Gaston. I'm sorry," she said. He nodded slowly, then wrapped a protective arm around the girl. She was pulled into his body, and immediately smelled his scent. It was mostly woods, and a little bit of beer. 

     "Goodnight, my dear Rue," Gaston said, running a hand through her hair. 

     "Goodnight, Gaston," she replied quietly. Then she was out like a light. 


     Rue was screaming under the water, gasping for air again. She couldn't see anything around her, the river was too dark and cold. She could feel herself losing consciousness very quickly. She had to keep fighting, she couldn't go out like this. 

     She felt around for something, anything, that could save her life. Finally, she hit something, and grabbed it immediately. She pulled her body up with all her might, pushing herself out from under the rock. 

     But she was pulled back down again. Over and over, she found that branch, pulled herself up, then got dragged back down. Now she was screaming for help, more and more water flowing into her lungs. Eventually, it all began going black and blurry, darker than it already was. 

     Rue screamed one last time, then finally felt her body go limp. 


okay okay we're back on schedule here

sorry it took so long

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2019 ⏰

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