Chapter 2

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Saiko's POV

As I thought...I am guessing they all think the same way she does.

I sigh after the girl called 'Nakamura' agreed to be my translator. I looked to the large yellow octopus.

"Where will I sit?" I spoke in English, since I don't really know Japanese. Kurosensei looked at me and said, "You can sit there," He pointed to an empty seat in the back of the class. I nodded and sat where his tentacle pointed.

I sat silently until class was over.

After Class~

As quiet as I could be, I slipped out of the classroom before anyone could interact with me. I wandered around the run-down building until I came across a slightly ajar door. I peek inside to see Karasuma typing something into a computer.

"Come here." He spoke, to me I'm guessing. I walked into the small room silently and stood awkwardly next to Karasuma. He finished what he was doing and turned to me. "You will be staying at my house until time being. You may be out of the asylum but you are still to be supervised. Understand?"

I nodded and looked out the window behind the desk. I could see many of the classmates in small groups smiling, joking, laughing, and having fun.

My face stayed stoic. I couldn't care less about them anyway.

"Don't worry. They'll warm up to you." Karasuma smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and started to stare at the floor.

The Next Day~

As I walked through the school gates with Karasuma, I could feel the stares of any early-bird students who come to school early. When I was in the asylum, I couldn't sleep on that damned concrete floor, so I was used to not sleeping. But, with a little bit of help from some insomnia pills, I feel a small bit less tired. Karasuma had been planning my arrival and set up a guest bedroom in his home for me.

Karasuma said that since I don't know my way around town quite yet, I would have to go everywhere he goes.

Which means, I have to get up at like 5am and get to the school at like 6am because Karasuma always has to go early.

It took a while but we finally got to our building.

"Now, Saiko, you can do really whatever you want, but stay up here on the mountain. Be back here by about 7:45ish. Alright?" I simply nodded. I'm not stupid enough to leave. I know fully well that the "watch" Karasuma gave to me has a tracking device in it. I glanced at the time and walked away from the building.

I started walking around for a while. Soon, I came across the top of a huge cliff with a tree branch sticking out the side.

I layed down on the branch and took a deep breath. Its been a while since I've been out of the asylum.

This is gorgeous.

I heard a little beep coming from my watch, showing 7:30am. I suppose I layed there longer than I thought. Slowly, I walked back.

At 3-E's School Building

Saiko's POV

I arrived at the back of the school and I could automatically feel everyones stares. I only sat down in my seat and payed attention.

{Gym Class}

We started with our gym class, and to my surprise they are learning assassination methods. This is the only thing I am really good at. We paired up and I got paired up with a boy named Nagisa.

We stared at each other, waiting for the others to be paired. Finally, we were told to start.

Karasuma suddenly yelled "Ikimasu!" I didn't understand what he said until Nagisa charged at me, so I assumed he meant 'go'.

Before he realized what was going on, I had already pinned him to the ground.

"You are good." He said in broken English, trying to get me off of him.

"Fuck off, weakling."

I guess he didn't understand becouse he smiled. After he saw my harsh tone and stoic face, his smile faded. Kurasuma sweatdropped at us and I stood up, Nagisa in suit.

The air around us was awkward as we watched the others spar.

Something felt off. Tension made its way to us and surrounded us with a strange vibe. Feeling it from behind I snap in that direction.

A tall red-headed boy stood on the small staircase leading to the building. He seems to be amused with everyones lack of fighting skills.

I stayed silent as he walked past us students, paying no mind to us.

I don't really care about who this boy is. All I know is that he is interupting our class. Giving me a chance to see if I can sneak away. I started to walk back where he came from, up the stairs. This is surprisingly easy.

I started to walk to an office like room or the "teachers lounge", with an intent to find something I can use to get my watch off.

I finally found a small toolbox in a nearby cabnit and started to tinker with the metal bracelet. But, to my dismay, nothing. So, I peeked around some more and eventually found a hammer in the messy toolbox.

I rolled up my sleeve and took a breath. Aiming for the braclet with 1 eye, I struck. I bit my lip in pain. I lifted the hammer to see a bit of blood trickle down my wrist. I hit again and again mercilessly until finally it was smashed to bits. Holding my now horrid looking and blood soaked arm I glanced once more at the poor red stained desk, and bolted.

They are bound to notice that I am missing soon or that my tracking device has stopped working so I need to hurry out of here as fast as I can.

I finally make it to the bottom of the hill when I noticed the school I passed earlier. There are some people here and there but I assume everyone is in class. I decide to stay hidden and sneak out using the trees.

As soon as I got past the gate I started to walk normally. I got lots of strange looks from bystanders but ignored them as I continue forward.

I guess it's not really good to have a brutally beaten arm out in the open like this... So I walk into a drug store with my hand tucked into my jacket. I noted an acknowledgement towards the store clerk as they did to me. I walked up to him and in broken Japanese said "Bathroom?"

He pointed and I followed his hand. Not knowing how to bandage myself or what to use I grabbed an Ace bandage and a random clean jacket similar to the one I'm wearing on the way. I cleaned my broken arm and then wrapped it in toilet paper and the bandage.

I put on the new jacket and shove the blood soaked one into the trashcan. Walking back towards the entrance, thanking the guy.

I'm not sure what to do now. I duck into an allyway. I heard a ding in my back pocket. I took out the little device and tapped on the screen. They called it a "phone". A little blue bubble popped up that said "Where are you?"-Karasuma

Fuck. He noticed.

1300 words.

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