Chapter 2 The Escape

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3 weeks later the cops was knocking at my door. They put me in handcuffs and they put me in the back of the police car. While they was handcuffing me the police officer said, "you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have you have the right to an attorrney. If you can not afford an attorney one will be assigned to you". 

We drove to the Oklahoma City police station. 18 minutes later I was in a interrogation room. I was in the interrogation room for 8 hours. Finally the officers walked in the room. They introduced themselves. 

He said , my name to detective Jonathan Wolfgang and this is detective Randolph past. They sat across from me and they stared me down. We had a staring contest for like 10 minutes. Then they finally spoke again. He asked me if I knew why I was here. 

I said, yes I do. He said why you are in here. I said, because I'm being charged for Leonor Ezabella. He said, yes and we know you did it. I said, I don't have anything to say. 

They got pissed off and walked out of the room. They came back 2 hours later and they put handcuffs back on me and put me in a jail cell. I was in there for 8 days. Until the officers came back, and the put the handcuffs back on me. They put them on my hands and my legs. 

They gave me a suit to put on. I walked into a court room. Everybody stood up and the judge walked in. we had a trial and I was found guilty. I had to come back to court in 2 days, for my sentencing. 

2 days later I was back in court, I stood in front of the judge. The judge sentenced me to life in prison plus a death sentence. I was in jail for 8 months until I said enough. I dug a hole in the wall, which led me to pipes. I finally escaped, I was finally free. 

Nobody knew I was gone. I ran home to change my clothes. I got home and luckily nobody was there. I quickly changed my clothes and I packed me a suitcase. I got in my car and I drove off.

I was speeding down the street, but I was going the speed limit so I wouldn't get caught. I drove to Mexico and I crossed the border, so I was good. I rented a apartment and I moved my belongings into my apartment. I turned on the TV and I was all over the news. They found out I wasn't there and now they have a search party out looking for me. 

But of course I'm not in Oklahoma anymore so they wasting their time. I cut off the TV and I walked outside. I went to a grocery store to buy some groceries for my apartment. I got to my apartment. I walked upstairs and I put my groceries up. 

After I put my groceries up I walked back outside, because I was going for a walk to kinda check out the neighborhood. When the police officers described me as a Caucasian male, with green eyes, with blackish, brownish hair. They said I was in my late 30's early 40's, but I look like a 20 year old. They said I have been missing for 3 days. They also said I was crazy and psychotic and I might be mentally ill. 

When they said I might be mentally ill. I got pissed off. I started cussing at the TV like the officers could actually hear me. I called the TV a bitch. I said, man fuck all these wack ass bitches. 

Y'all think just cause y'all got a gun and a badge y'all can kill whoever y'all want to. Well I got 2 words for you bitches, Fuck You. With them tight ass clothes on. Looking like Shrek. All y'all some bitches.

 Y'all ain't worth shit. Wait till I see y'all again ima fuck all y'all up. Don't underestimate me bitches.

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