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written by : thefabulouskilljoys on AO3

"Hey Gee," Frank called out from the kitchen. "Yeah babe?" Gerard answered, entering the room, to see Frank standing by the counter with a big smirk plastered on his face. "What's your master plan, Frankie?" Gerard asked, sighing. Gerard knew that smile all too well, Frank always smiled like that when he had an idea. Some were good, some were...worse.

"Oh, I don't know, why do you think I have a plan?" Frank said seductively, still wearing the smirk, while walking over to Gerard like a sly kitten. "Spit it out Frank," Gerard said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice, and tried instead to sound like he was beginning to get annoyed. "Well, you know I really like it when you sing 'Destroya', right? It's just soooo hot...'n sexy..." Frank said, tracing his index finger along Gerard's back, sending shivers down his spine.

"Y-yeah," Gerard said, feeling himself blush by the contact. "Well I want you to sing the whole damn thing while I pound my cock into your tight little ass." Frank whispered into Gerard's ear, nibbling on it with his teeth. Gerard closed his eyes and bit his lip, trying to hold in the sounds threatening to spill from his mouth. "Does that sound like a plan Geebear?" Gerard whimpered and nodded, still having closed eyes. He couldn't help but smile, this was making him so excited. He leaned his head back a little, allowing Frank to kiss down his neck, leaving a trail of kisses down to his collar bone. They had been dating for some months now, and it had been great.

Frank lead Gerard into their bedroom, Gerard's knees barely holding him up. He could feel the bulge in his pants growing. Frank closed the door after they entered the room. "You can begin singing now," Frank said, while walking over to Gerard, beginning to unzip Gerard's hoodie.

"Uuuh..." Gerard started. "Go on." Frank said, sliding the fabric down Gerard's shoulders. "Um... Check check check check..." Gerard began singing. "Good boy," Frank said, kissing his neck gently. Gerard sighed in pleasure, and went on with saying "check." When he was done singing that, Frank had already taken both Gerard's T-shirt, shoes and socks off. "D-don't believe wh-what they say," Gerard couldn't help but stutter. The amount of lust Frank was showing made him weak in the knees.

"Don't be shy Gee... sing. I know you do it so well," Frank seductively whispered into Gerard's ear. Gerard could feel his hot breath on him, and it made him shiver. "We're d-dead flies in the summertime, th-they leave us all behind..." Gerard continued. "They don't like who you are y-you won't like where we'll go brother, protect me n-now with b-blood they wash in the money..." By this point, Frank was unbuttoning Gee's pants, teasingly slowly. He slowly slid them down Gerard's slightly shaking legs, to reveal his growing erection held back by his boxers.

Gerard could barely stand. He was so eager. "Don't you dare moan. You may only sing. Got that Geebear?" Frank said. Gerard nodded, letting out a soft sound of protest. Gee always liked it loud. Frank started to tug in the hem of Gerard's boxers. He slid them down, letting Gee's hard on spring free. The cold air hitting his member made Gerard suck in some air through his teeth. Frank licked his lips. "Sing." Frank demanded. "Y-you don't believe in g-god I don't believe in luck" Frank began sucking Gerard. He started out slowly, then began going faster and faster.

"They mmmph...don't believe in u-us but I b-believe we're the e-enemy...mh..." Gerard had such a hard time keeping all the moans in. Frank was sucking and sucking, bobbing his head up and down while hollowing his cheeks out. He was surely enjoying himself. "You don't believe in...oh God... I don't believe in l-luck...they don't believe in
u-us...mmmmh... But I believe we're the enemy..." Gerard sang. He could already feel his orgasm building up. Frank began sucking even faster, and looked up at Gee. This was the moment Gerard had waited for, the "moans" in the song. Then he could let himself moan as much as he desired.

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