Chapter 4: I'm Starting To Love Theses Dares >:D ~Jeff

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Alyssa: *passed out on couch* Zzzzzz

BEN: Why does everytime when we do the questions and dares she is always passed out?

Jeff: I don't know but it's kinda adorable :3

BEN: Ya it's kinda.....

Sally: *coming from the stairs and singing while walking down* I'M A BARBIE GIRL IN MY BARBIE WORLD IMAGINATION!!! IT'S FANTASY!!! YOU CAN BRUSH MY HAIR AND DRESS ME EVERYWHERE!!!

Jeff and BEN: Sally shhh!!!

Sally: *looks at Jeff and BEN and stop singing* Why?

Alyssa: *groans and roll over to the other side and falls asleep again* Zzzzzzzz

Sally: Ohhh okay... Wake her up then...

Jeff: Are you crazy?! She will hurt both of us!!!

Sally: No when I do it she don't do anything to me

BEN: Wait really?

Sally: Yea

Jeff: Okay, I'll try..... Alyssa wake up *shakes her*

Alyssa: *grabs Jeff's arm and twist it*


Alyssa: How many times I told you to not to wake me up when I'm asleep!!!

Jeff: But Sally said you don't hurt her when she wakes you up! DX LET GO OF MY FUCKING ARM!!!

Alyssa: *let's go of Jeff's arm* I don't do it to her because she a little kid and she my little gumdrop :3

Sally: Ya :3 *hugs Alyssa*

Alyssa: *hugs Sally back* And watch what you say boy

Jeff: *mumbles to self* (why can't I get a hug) *looks at red arm* Fix my arm!!!

Alyssa: Nahhh I want cake *about to get up from couch but stops and lays back down* Nahhh too far from here to the kitchen BEN go and give me some cake and don't put anything inside of it!

BEN: Damn it...

Alyssa: Hey, language!!!

BEN: *mumbles to self and gets Alyssa piece of cake*

Alyssa: WHERE MY CAKE AT?!?!

BEN: *comes back* Calm yo tits down!!!

Alyssa: What did you say?!

BEN: Nothing.... *gives her cake*

Alyssa: Yay! Cake! :3 Thanks BEN

BEN: Ya ya ya your welcome and shit

Alyssa: Watch your language!

BEN: Whatever bitch!!!

Alyssa: *growls at BEN*

BEN: *jumps a little but growls back but growls cracked*

Alyssa: Awe your growl cracked! It's so cute :3

BEN: *blushes lightly* Not my fault it cra-cked! *voice cracked*

Alyssa: *chuckles* Awe so adorable *eats cake* Mmm chocolate cake!

BEN: Don't fucking call me adorable! *makes mad adorable face*

Sally: Awe BENNY so cute when he mad :3

Alyssa: I know right! High five Sally!

Alyssa and Sally: *high fives each other*

Alyssa: Friendship :3

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