Chapter 7: O_O Dafucq Happened To Slender!?!

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Alyssa: *sleeps in my room*

Smile: *walk in her room and curls up on her bed*

Alyssa: *sleeps* Zzzzzz

Smile: *closes eyes and falls asleep*

Sally: *opens door slowly* Aaalllyyysssaaa

Alyssa: *turns in sleep*

Sally: *wakes up to her bed and pokes her cheek*

Alyssa: Hmm? W-What?

Sally: Question and dare times!

Alyssa: *groans and put face in pillow* I don't think there is any comments in the last book we did.....

Sally: But there is there is 8?......

Alyssa: *looks at her with one eye* Really?

Sally: *nods and giggles*

Alyssa: Ughhhh fine *sits up* I'll be downstairs in a minute just tell people to come to the living room

Sally: *nods and leaves*

Alyssa: *yawns and sits at edge of bed and looks over at Smile then smiles and pets him* Smile come on buddy time for question and dares

Smile: *slowly open eyes and lifts up head*

Alyssa: *smiles* Good boy *stands up* Wait I'm still in my pj's oh well *grabs hoodie and puts it on* There I guess let's go Smile

Smile: *yawns and gets out of bed*

Alyssa: *goes downstairs with laptop*

Smile: *follows her*

Jeff: Look who is here it's sleepy head!

Alyssa: Shut it perv *sits at couch and looks at comments and yawns and rubs one of my eyes* Uh the first one is from @Animancergirl!

1) RUN tHE FANGIRLS!!! *a hoard of rapid fangirls come* I am only saving one of you *picks up lost silver bridal style and runs in a portal*

Lost Silver: H-HALP!!!



Alyssa: *looks over at fire place and sees fire and eyes turn the color of fire and makes fire a force field around the mansion*

Slender: Phew.....

Alyssa: It's good to have powers but what in the world happen to Silver O_O

Slender: Someone took him his girlfriend will not be happy

Alyssa: Yup...... ANYWAYS! The next one is from @xXxGhostxXx!

o.o don't know what to say but

Alyssa: BUT FIRST LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!!! Darn it I always think that she will say that!

1) Question Slendy are you gay? cause you look like you are! :3

Slender: No, I use to have a wife named Slender Woman......


Alyssa: *punchs Jeff in the face* DON'T SAY THAT THAT'S RUDE!!!

Jeff: Ow.......

2) Question Slendy do you like Starbucks?

Slender: No I never tried it and it's human drinks and I don't drink what human's drink so.....

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