4, Clouds

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You had snuck back into camp and laid back in your nest. It was practically dawn and you had slept the entire night ar Raincloud's side.

You pretended to be asleep as you heard the cats on dawn patrol suffling out of their nests.

After what felt like a moon, you got up and stretched your now stiffened legs. You trotted out of the den and headed to the fresh kill pile.

You got a chafinch and settled down to eat it, plucking the feathers so you could get the meat and not a mouthful of feathers.

You finished and saw Sorreltail walking towards you.

"Hey Y/n, wanna go on boarder patrol with Ashfur and me?" She asked

You agreed and walked after her, Ashfur waiting at the entrance before taking lead and heading out.

You were following them towards the Shadowclan boarder  when you got there you where a few fox lengths from it when you heard rustling on the opposite boarder.

You looked ober and saw a shiny grey pelt through the shrubs but it vanished quickly.


You ignored it and kept following your patrol.

That night when you met with him and found out he was stopping an apprentice from crossing the boarder and purred in relief.

You once again sat by the lake, under the stars while he groomed your ears.






It had been about a mokn sense you've been seeing Raincloud and you kept having the growing fear of being found out.

You had skipped out on the last few times to help ease your nerves and tonight you were going to see him again.

You padded lightly to were you where supposed to meet him when a distant yowl broke into your ears.

It came from the boarder. Where you were supposed to be meeting Raincloud....

Your stomach dropped and was suddenly empty as your senses sharpened and you bolted for the spot.

Your eyes were round with worry as you slowed down and crept forward cautiously. You peered out of the bushed, seeing no cats.

Your senses filled with dread and soon you realized why as you saw a lump of grey fur  laying on the ground.

You dashed towards it and nearly cried out in shock. It was Raincloud.

His fur was streaked with crimson red blood and large gashes were all over his body along with teeth marks at his throat.

His eyes, once lively and shining were now dull and focused on a point far away.

You crouched next to him, burrying your muzzle into his fur which was faiding with warmth, you laid next to him until the sun rose.

You didnt leave until a rustle in the bushed made your tail fluff in fear and you ran.

You were confused, heartbroken, and afraid. You wanted Raincloud to still be alive and be able to comfort you with soothing words and soft licks.

You had no idea what happened to him but you didnt want to know.

You blindly stumbled through a patch of lavender and back into camp. You put on your most normal face and walked in.

You weren't greeted by any one so you just went to your nest and laid down.

"Y/n? Is that you? Where have you been, nobody saw you leave and we were getting worried." The worried voice of Ashfur mewed over your ears.

"I couldn't sleep last night so i went hunting. I mustv'e fallen asleep by the lavender patch cause when I woke up it was dawn." You replied with your nose in your paws.

"Oh ok. Well I lead the dawn patrol, you'll never believe what we found!" He said estadically

"What?" You mewed, lifting your head to face his excited blue eyes.

"Well we caught Shadowclan scent! There. Was also a fox scent so they mustv'e tried to come onto our territory but a fox attacked them! Sounds cool right?" He said

Your throat was scratchy as you nodded.

You then put your head back down and fell asleep as Ashfur left with a few parting words

"Well I guess it was bad if a Shadowclan cat died but at least it didnt happen to someone from our clan. Well I should go, you look tired, almost like you stayed up all night doing something other then hunting."

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