First Days

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It's about school. The first days of it. Because that's all this book goes through – the first 4 days of school. Twenty-four chapters. 4 ½ days.

Mom is still a ob*tch and still coming up with ridiculous punishments. She's getting creative. But still, she's sick, it's ok. It's not as bad as other things. *hindsight foreshadowing here*

School starts, don't talk to Marie, people might think they're related. Joke's on her, it would have been better for her social life if people knew they were related. But maybe she knew that and that's what makes her so bitter. 

There's school, there's classes. The boys are in them. A poem gets written as well as a boring history paper. There's lunch, but nothing to eat. All 10 of them share a bag of chips or something. Super smart boys, but only one of them thought to bring something to eat.

More classes. The flirty genius one flirts with her in class. That doesn't make the musical one happy. He gets a text and appears to walk off in a huff never to be seen again.

Ok, he's seen later, but he and the strong one are mysteriously missing from their last period class. I'd say it's ok because they show up later, but, spoiler alert, they're not ok. But we won't talk about that since they won't.

The not gay one goes home with her and the cute nerdy one and they work on homework. When I write a poem, I always try to write it about something sciency, don't you?

Summation of homework – hearts are hiding, one makes girls crying, and one operates on a person not dying. <— see what I did there? A little poetry of my own. What? Like it's hard? 

The musical one shows up hurt. Can't talk about it though. Just fix him up and make some taco soup. Go visit the strong one, he's hurt too. Antagonize him by withholding the taco soup.

A violin is needed, but don't worry, the musical one has a black Amex. That's a lot of stuff to happen. And it's only the end of the first day of school.

The rest of this summary will be in fast forward motion. She gets lots of attention. Notes are passed, proposals are made, the grumpy one gets more grumpy.

There's a fight because the not gay one is accused of being not not gay. She jumps in of course. It's always helpful when 5 foot nothing adds her 98 pounds to the fray.

She gets hurt. She gets grounded. But she doesn't know what that means, so she ignores it. She swings some hammers then goes home. Grounded once again.

The pretty half-naked one goes home and keeps her company through another one of mom's punishments. She's sore the next day, so the cute nerdy one helps her work out those muscles. It was a real challenge for him, I'm sure.

The creepy molester adult does creepy molester things and then gives her detention. The boys all get detention and it's decided they need a break from each other at school. Everyone absolutely LOVES that idea. They're unwilling, but they obey.

She goes to school and separates herself from them. But that's a joke. Cause she's number 10. No one believes it.

At this school they throw people over balconies. Every year. And it hasn't been stopped. Don't worry. It will be stopped this year. By the girl. She goes over, the guys all yell. Oh, hell no, you can't throw a girl over. The rest of the school decides that throwing a guy over isn't a big deal. But a girl. That's too far. So it's stopped.

The shady in charge adult doesn't like it stopped, because he had plans. But they were all foiled by those meddlesome kids. (Remember this line, hopefully one day ten years from now, it can be used in another book to wrap up a too long running arc.) 

The perfect one checks out the girl and now she's the ghost one. Dun dun dun....

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