Drop of Doubt

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This one will be known as the one I like least.

It's almost her birthday, but she didn't tell anyone. Well, she told the musical one, but he apparently didn't think this was important for anyone else to know and it was probably more fun to hear the not gay one throw a fit. Which he did. Colorfully.

But who can focus on birthdays when someone out there is leaving fake bombs and apparently they're meant for you. Or the perfect one. Possibly both. They actually told her about it, so that's an improvement.

However, she decided they could possibly be overreacting, which is pretty typical of her. I don't know why she thinks that. It's not like they heard some funny beeping sounds on a phone and immediately packed up everybody and everything and hightailed it out of town to hide in a big mansion with gates. Well, not yet.

First her phone has to be taken up and her number given out. Because the grumpy one wasn't there and the musical one was too polite to punch the guy in the face. Plus, it was a teacher. In the original spoiler. In the actual book it was a kid. Only part of this change gets fixed in the rewrite. Either way, grumpy would probably have punched both.

At the musical one's (who should probably also be called the rich one's) house everybody hunkers down and gets to work. Stalkerish maid girl isn't so thrilled that the musical rich one has female company. But no one picks up on it. Except for her, and we all know she's not going to say anything.

It's decided everyone should skip school and the guys disperse. Those that stay work on a task, but they don't want to stress her out, so she just sits there twiddling her thumbs and growing frustrated. Until they let her play with tools and break things. That works on my nephews, too.

Snobby rich mother appears and her musical rich son plays off their friendship. It seems to work. But it probably didn't. Snobby rich mother is probably the phantom of the opera wannabe guy. But we haven't met him yet. Wait a couple of sentences.

They decide to try to track the mystery beeper down and go out for drive. Then they change up the plans. A drive and then alone parked under a tree with the foreign one. Um, yes please.

Things get a bit heated. Oh! That's a nice spot. More fingers over mouths. I could have read more of that, but instead the POTOWG shows up and the musical rich one shows up and goes all bumper cars on his ass. I'm pretty sure he'll be back though.

Head back to the protected fortress. Sleepy time. Nightmare time. Got to brush those teeth. Wake up and bark at the neighbors. No, don't do that.

Let's go to the spa. Go take a shower. Did you say a shower? Ummm *sticks finger to lip* okay. Well, that didn't work out well. Oh no, one of the guys knows. Better swear him to secrecy. It will really work better that way.

Musical rich guy says ok. He might have been a bit distracted with his common sense though. She is naked. Except for a towel. Everyone gets in the tub. This could have been fun except for the semi-lecherous father shows up.

Where's an author when you need someone to throw him down the stairs. HE IS THE PIANO MAN! Oops, sorry, wrong story.

Head to the spa, muscles relaxed, nails painted, hair did. Creepy notes show up again. Get new phones. Hey, the genius nerdy one with bad acne. Well, at least it was bad in book one. He must have gotten some proactive. Someone should really mention him to the girl we don't mention. But they don't.

Dump her at the hospital with the flirty genius one. He flirts inappropriately, lets her do doctor things inappropriately, and then trusts her to go off by herself inappropriately. Maybe he's not such a genius after all.

She gets taken by the POTOWG and he says things. She starts to doubt. Hey, that's why this book is called that. I don't like that part. They chase him down, but he hops on a moving truck and gets away. This is why it can't be the genius nerdy one. Cause I don't think he's got those skills.

Head back home and attempt to party. Zombies, cupcakes, nail painting. Everyone's doing it. Even grumpy. And this is where I lose most of my interest in the story. No idea why. But I do.

For the rest of you though, she sneaks out at night with the half-naked pretty one. They break into a house. Totally not shady at all. There's a motorcycle ride, but not with the grumpy one. That's probably a big part of the reason he's so grumpy. Could have had her hands on his chest again.

Steal the stuff, get shot at, and get banged up. Get home and get grounded. She refuses to cry. She probably should have just cried. She probably would have gotten her way. She's a bit catatonic. It takes the perfect one to give the cute nerdy one a mental head slap. No longer grounded.

Stuff happens here. Something about some pictures and the shady in charge adult. Then everybody runs off to different places. But she gets left behind. There's a reason. Just trust.

Lunch. The not gay one is upset. He wanders off alone. She goes to get him. Guy who doesn't even deserve a name shows up. Shanks the not gay one in the leg and his friend's got a gun. Did I forget to mention that the rich musical one had disappeared? Eh, well, he's back.

Everyone to the hospital. Not gay one hums that pelvic thrusting guy's songs in his sleep. All patched up. Apologies all around.

Hey, what's that smell. I don't recognize it. Let me follow it into the hall. Uh oh. It's the POTOWG, I'd better run.

Not toward anyone who could help, but to the basement. The freaking basement.

Guy who doesn't deserve a name shows up again with a weapon. But it's the not gay one to the rescue. Bit of a mental break down, but the half-naked pretty one brings him back.

There's something wrong. Let's go off on our own and fix it together.

Mysterious things at the mansion. They climb the roof, they find the problems. Find a couple of them naked. Or maybe they're not. They're kind of the Schroedinger's cat of nakedness.

Turns out it's the stalkerish maid. She's been helped by the POTOWG. But everyone turns out to be ok. She saved the day.

At the end there's a concert and roses and another swoon-worthy moment. For such a standoffish guy, he really knows how to turn on the swoon.

There's lots of boring talk wrapping up the plot and ultimately the musical rich one says he's on board. The end.

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