Chapter 5

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Hey, guys! Hope you guys are liking the story so far.

Onto the next chapter...

At the Hospital

Kemi awoke a few hours later, and found herself in a hospital room. Her hands were cuffed to the bedposts.

"Guess who decided to wake up," a voice snap Kemi into reality. She searched around the room and finds Ariana, smirking.

"How's everyone?" Kemi asked, groggily.

"I found a way to bail everyone out and sent them home." Ariana said as she picked up her hippie canvas bag.

"May I ask how you bailed everyone out?" Kemi sat up.

"That, my friend, is a secret." Ariana winks. Kemi feels the headache still spiraling in her brain.

As she tries to get out of bed, the handcuffs prevents her from standing. "Why do I still have these?"

"Well, everyone is bailed, except you. If you could try not to fall asleep so I can validly bail you out, I think we could get home at a reasonable hour."

"I'm ready to get out of these and this place," Kemi tries to break free from the handcuffs, but to no avail, it didn't work.

Ariana chuckles and stands up to leave the room. "Calm down. I'll speak with the Doctor and see if he can take note of your health, and call the police to get you out of those handcuffs." The door shuts as she left.

At school, the next day

"Hey guys! Quite a weekend. Don't y'all think? It's hipper than shellfish!" Marie said as she walked to Matt's locker where Josh, Kemi, and of course Matt were located.

"Marie, I don't want to talk about it," Kemi says, annoyingly. "Plus it wasn't cool. I was stuck at hospital for more than three hours!"

"You know what, I don't know if I've clarified it enough, BUT I AM SO SORRY, OK?! I"M TIRED OF ALL YOU GUYS BITCHING!" Marie had bounced into a sane phase.

"Woah, Marie, calm down. It's okay, I get it," Matt joins in on the almost argument. "And you, Kemi, look, I know it was a tough weekend, but don't get so caught up in it. It's in the past."

"...yeah, Kemi, don't get so stressed out about it...," Joshua mumbles.

"AND NOW WE'RE STRESSED OUT!" Marie was back to the ditzy phase. Mr. Baker turned his head.

"Hemmings, quiet down! You're too loud!" Mr. Baker yelled while walking to his first period class.

"Says the teacher who is yelling back..." Josh silently retorts.

"Goodness gracious, I don't have time for anyone of this." Kemi bails on the group as she left Joshua with Matt. Afraid that she'll get another migraine.

"...alright, see you later, Kemi!" Matt shouts, hoping to get Kemi to respond. Only to be ignored in response.

"Bye guys, I guess." Marie says as she sulks to her first period class.

" guys wanna sit together for lunch?" Joshua manages to yell out and catch Marie's attention.

"Woah," Matthew thinks.

"It's not like I'm going with anyone else to lunch anyways." Marie says.

Matt thinks for a minute and decides not to let the guy down.

"Dude, sure. Let's be bros. You seem like a cool guy to hang out with," Matt responds while smiling.

"...uh, so you don't mind about the rumors...?" Joshua wanted to clarify it with Matt to see if he's making the right decision.

Matt tsk. "Those rumors got nothing on me." He pats his back hard and Joshua grunts.

Suddenly, a dark shadow comes between the two. Inalige.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the loser and the faggot. Wait, rather, beauty and the beast," Inalige smirks.

"What the hell do you want, Inalige?" Matt grits his teeth and growls. Joshua, on the other hand, turns to escape from any drama.

"Tell me the deal with you two and I'll discard any little dirty secret I have about your whole group."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Matt grips onto Inalige's shirt.

"One of which is how you all technically weren't bailed out and are government property."


"Explain, now." Joshua whispered.

"Oh, hoe, hoe, hoe. Looks like the faggot decides to talk."

Joshua was hurt by that name. Matt punches Inalige in the face. As Inalige was about to fight back, he concludes the conversation and scampers.

"Get to class, hoodlums!" Mr. Baker yells from down the hall. The two notice that the hall is completely clear, except for them.

'Later' Matt mouths as they part ways.

During Lunchtime

Matt sat at an empty table. His friends stride along, but tells them he has business to do with other people.

Marie and Josh appear in the crowd. They both buy their crappy school lunch and sit where Matt is.

"Yo, Matt, what's up?" Joshua says, happily, as he sits down next to him.

"Yay, you guys made it!" Matt cheerfully exclaims.

Marie didn't say anything and quietly sat down next to Joshua. Matt took note of her silence.

"So, what's up with crazy face," Matt mutters to Joshua. Joshua realizes his closeness and blushes...?

"...oh, she and Kemi had an argument..." Joshua replied.

"Now that you mention it," Matt realizes that Kemi's presence was nowhere to be seen,"where is she?"

Joshua feels the tingle, again. The same one he felt during the drenchful police car ride. Like before, he pushed it aside as he began to wonder why Kemi hasn't made her appearance yet.

" idea..." Joshua whispers.

"Do you know, Marie?" Matt glanced at her. Marie shrugged. Matt mouths an 'okay then.'

'This is really weird.' Joshua ponders.

Thanks so much for taking your time reading. I hope you guys liked it! Don't forget to like and comment. We would love to see your feedback. Have a lovely day!

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