Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

We watched as Sarah walked up the stairs.

"Thanks for letting me borrow an outfit for today." I said breaking the silence.

"What happen Luke?" Calum said running his fingers through his hair. You think his stress level was sky high with everything going on. " Why would he hurt her?" I spoke softly.

"He came after me."

"What do mean?"

"We were walking and, I, I don't even know how he knew we were there but he tackled me and started swinging then I," it seemed like years ago when this happened although it was less the an hour. " I think Sarah tried to get him off of me then he, he hit her." Calum's face got red as I explained. I knew he was pissed, as was I. I wasn't this guy to hurt, to know how he hurt her.

I walked up stairs trying not to make them creek, but they did. When I made it to her door it was open and she was curled in a ball asleep.

"She's so beautiful." She looked fantastic. She had on leggings and my sweatshirt. I don't know what it is but seeing her in my clothes is amazing. I walked towards the bed kneeling at the edge. I pushed her hair away from her face showing me the bruise, that was now blue, green and purple. I stayed for a minute then got some sweats, went to the bathroom, changed, then went down stairs.

"Calum?" he had his arms crossed with his head buried in them. "Calum?" his head rolled over, he was asleep. It was late. I went back up stairs and laid down in front of Sarah covering both of us up.

"I'm so sorry." I said stroking her hair. No matter what damage was done to her she was still gorgeous. My eyes began to water. "This is all my fault."

"Shhh," she spoke a little. It was about eleven and she was still up, or did I wake her up?

"Sarah I'm," the tears ran down my cheek. I haven't cried in a while.

"Luke?" she whispered.

"Yeah?" I waited. "Yeah?" She sighed. She fell asleep. I curled up closer to her whipping my face then fell asleep too.

Sarah's POV:

I woke up to an aching pain and a beautiful sight. Luke. His bed head was awful and the cut on his lip was bruised slightly but he still looked great. I didn't want to get up so I didn't. I placed my hand on his cheek. He was warm, and sweating.

"I hope he's not sick." I thought.

Luke's Dream:

"Luke!" she yelled tears rushing from her face as the man swung again. "Luke!"

"Sarah!" I screamed her name. The guy hitting her again. I was laying there helpless I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried.

"Luke help me!" I felt like I was going to cry. Seeing her like this whether reality or imagination. It still hurt.

"Sarah!" I screamed once more. Then it was over.

Sarah's POV:

"Good morning," his word slurred out.

"More like good afternoon, or good three o' clock"

"Hey." I said smiling through the pain of my jaw. He sat up, me reflecting his action.

"Your face?" He reached up and touched my cheek.

"Your face." I said laughing putting my thumb on his lip. He smiled, leaning in and kissing me forehead, send a rush of warmth through my body, making me realize how cold I was.

"Are you okay?" be looked me in the eyes.

"Yeah, just sore. Do you feel okay."

"Yeah, why?"

"You were sweating in your sleep and your cheek was like on fire." I was worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I nodded trying not to be so mother like. "Are you hungry?" he asked running his fingers through his hair.

" A little." we didn't eat yesterday.

"Okay I'll got get us food. What do you want?" I could care less.

"I don't know, surprise me." he smiled biting his lip then grabbing a beanie, I guess he had the day he showed up, then left. I got up going to the bathroom running into Calum.

" Please tell me your not going out today." he said worried.

"Nah, I don't feel to well and my face hurts like hell."

"Good," he said. "Wait it's not good that you face hurts though, its good that your not," I laughed.

"I know what you mean." he smiled. I walked in the bathroom and hopped in the shower. The water was so warm.

"Why am I so cold today?" I thought to myself.

I got out about fifteen minutes later to find Luke on the bed watching and movie, our food sitting there untouched.

"You could've ate ya know?" He smiled.

"I wanted to eat with you." he paused. " Cook-Out's okay right? It was closest." I nodded sitting down on the bed taking out my food. Chicken tenders.

"Thank you." I said.

"It's cool," he spoke softly. "I'd do anything for you." He looked down playing with his french fries. I threw a fry at him making him look at me and smile.

"So what are you watching?" the movie hasn't started yet.

"The Lion King." He said.

"I love that movie!' I nearly shrieked.

"I know," I looked at him. "that's why I picked it." He smiled.

The day went by pretty fast. We watched movies, cuddled, and snacked.

"I'm tired. " I spoke softly.

"Okay let's go to bed then."

Luke's POV:

We there face to face her asleep, me awake. Her jaw didn't look as bad as earlier but it still didn't look good. I stroked her cheek.

"Luke?" she whispered.


"I love you." my heart jumped. I smiled looking down at her.

"And I love you." I was finally at ease.

( Sorry if its kinda short! Hope you like it! Help me get 400 reads and 50 votes! :)

XO )

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