Chapter 3 - Dinner

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"Happy Valentines' Day Emily." Said Ed after he kissed me gently on the cheek and handed me the gorgeous flowers.

Shit. I completely forgot.

"Thank you. They are beautiful." I smiled.

Ed followed me back through my bedroom door and watched as I transferred the flowers into a small, blue patterned vase that was one my chest of drawers for decoration.

"Are you ready to go out?" He asked me.

I nodded excitedly and we walked to the front door of my house, saying goodbye to a few of my friends, on the way out, that were eating dinner on one of the sofas in the sitting room.

We left the house and began to walk to the restaurant where Ed had planned for us to eat. It wasn't a long walk, as always things were thankfully nearby, and we soon arrived at our destination.

A huge smile spread across my face when I realised that we were having dinner at the same place that we had our first official date.

Ed led me inside and almost immediately, a waiter ushered us to our table.

"This is amazing." I grinned at Ed who took my coat from me and hung it over the back of my chair.

"I'm glad you like it." He said and kissed me on the cheek before sitting down opposite me.

I picked up one of the menus that was lying on the table and scanned it to see what I wanted.

A waitress suddenly appeared next to our table.

"Hello, can I get you anything to drink?" She chirped.

"We'll have two glasses of Pinot Grigio please." Ed answered for us.

"Okay, anything to eat?" She asked whilst scribbling down our drinks order.

"Can we get a basket of garlic bread to share as well please." Ed said.

"Sure, I'll be back shortly with your drinks." She smiled and left our table to go serve another couple.

"Did you manage to finish that essay?"

"I actually completed it quite speedily once the prospect of going out and not having much time to get ready was placed onto the table." I laughed softly.

The waitress soon returned in what seemed like no time and we ordered our main meals after being handed out drinks.

I ordered a chicken and roasted vegetable salad whilst Ed asked for a chicken breast with honey glazed carrots, roasted potatoes and a BBQ sauce, which sounded delicious.

"Do you have anything planned for the next couple of days?"

"No I don't have any lectures until Monday afternoon." I answered.

"Ah lucky. I have one tomorrow but that's if until Monday morning. Maybe I could drop round tomorrow?"

"Yeah I won't be doing anything I don't think. I'll just be trying to get some more of my essays finished."

"Cool." Ed nodded.

We conversed for about 30 minutes until the waitress returned with our steaming hot plates of delicious food.

As she placed my salad down the sweet aroma of roasted vegetables hit my senses and I couldn't wait to start eating it.

I immediately dug into it after the waitress left our table, savouring the succulent chicken and gorgeous, tender vegetables alongside the crunchy lettuce.

Ed engulfed his food down almost as quickly as me, which is always surprising as I eat my food really fast.

We must have both been starving.

Being in University and having to be wary of money, meant that food was an issue. I definitely don't eat as much as I used to when I was at school, but that's because everything was handed to me on a plate, ironically, at school and at home.

"How was your meal? Mine was delicious." Ed asked me as he placed his knife and fork down onto his clean plate after finishing off the dish.

"It was great." I smiled and licked my lips, the taste still lingering on them.

"Do you want anything for dessert?"

"I think I'm fine thanks, but you have something."

"I'll pass."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely." Ed smiled.

The waitress came up to our table and cleared up our plates.

"Could we have the bill please." Ed asked her just before she left the table.

"Yes certainly." She smiled.

Ed and I sat in silence for a while until the bill was delivered to us.

"How much was it?" I asked him whilst he got out his wallet from his pocket.

"You don't need to know. You aren't playing." He smirked.

"At least let me give you a contribution?" I pleaded.

"It's my treat so I'm paying." Ed answered and looked me in the eye with a smile on his face.

"Okay." I sighed and watched him type his PIN number into the machine that the waitress had brought over.

"Thank you for eating here. I hope you had a great evening." She smiled and left.

Ed and I got up from the table and I put on my coat and grabbed my bag before following him out of the restaurant.

I Wanna Be Yours - The Vamps Fanfiction (Sequel to R U Mine?)Where stories live. Discover now