tinder blunder

641 44 13

epigraph -

"I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you."

―  John Green


       start ; 27th December, 2016

end ;                                      


to all of you lovely people who read, comment and vote on my books. you keep me going and keep me motivated to do what i love, and i will be ever grateful for that. thank you for sticking by my side.


after a mishap of a tinder date, robin murray decides to do what any gentleman would, text the girl. only to find out that he'd been duped with a wrong number.

enter arden jacobsen, charming and lovely, on the other end of the line, who with her charm manages to steal the heartbreakee's heart away.


↪ lower case is intentional.

↪ this book may be unpublished at any time due to a lack of motivation or loopholes in the plot, or any such nuisance that i am popular for. [jk, i am not popular, i literally have only a teddy bear who is my fan [or not], yes kam this goes out to you too.]

↪ regardless of the fact that wattpad is flooded with dialogue books lately, i thank you for picking this one to read. it means a lot to me <3

©colloidal, all rights reserved.

[ don't copy my work simply because, i've put my time and effort into it and I'm pretty sure you'd do a great job if you sat down to think as well. but if you do, trust me i will chop your balls off and i don't care i will chop your imaginary balls off too. mind you, my ball chopping skills are more on fleek than kendall jenner's eyebrows]

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