Need To Do This.

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Nicole POV

When Carol and I exited the bathroom,I instantly saw THEM. Holding hand in hand but  they soon noticed me, John was staring at me but I didn't pay much attention to it as i was looking at HER the one who stole the only man i ever loved, the one and only reason i want to scream and cry,the reason why caleb doesn't see his dad a lot anymore. she glared at me and i returned the gesture but then it became this intense stare down but i didn't realize that caleb had seen his father and he ran to him. "Daddy!" he said as john picked him up "Hey Buddy!" he said "Daddy where have you been? " He asked "I've been busy but i'll come and  see you in a few days and we can go to the park!" He said   

"Yayyy!! " he said to his father and he smiled at me, i had to smile too so he didn't think anything was wrong but of course John should know that we have to talk about this. Carol decided to break the ice, actually no more like the growing tension between John, his wife and I. She tod them where to sit and I'm just glad I'm sitting next to Carol and coverly,while caleb sat next to his cousins. The room fell silent again but the food came,nobody knew how to start the conversation. 

"So? John how are you?"Coverly asked   "I've been great" John said while He looked at april and she smiled "We're on cloud 9" April said smiling while she kissed john's cheek.Seriously I mean Did anyone ask her?? "Oh Nicole I love your outfit!! It's so classy and very lady-like" Carol said, I feel like I know what she's trying to do so What could I do?? I'll just have to play along "Oh thank you mom! I actually bought it at Nordstrom" I said smiling "Oh Wow nice choice! I mean it's better than shirt,jeans and chucks right??" She said and it was obvious she didn't like april and of course this was aimed at her. I just nodded "Oh well dear I'm very happy that you take time to see us we love you and  caleb so much" Carol said and everyone got what she was trying to do so they were signaling her to stop 

I could see john feeling awkward while april's blood was boiling.


I had to excuse myself from the table as I needed to go to the ladies room. I went to one of the stalls and did my thing when i noticed and heard the bathroom door open and Surprise,surprise Behold the crazy bitch. she followed me here. I don't need this right now but If she's that dumb and she wants to start a war, then a war she will get.

I got out of the stall and she was staring at me with this face,I was ignoring her until bitch decided to speak "Nice Try nicole" she said "If You think that just because john's family doesn't like me, it means they can get rid of me easily well that's where you're wrong cause last time I checked even though they like you more than me, I still have His last name and I still am his wife and as far as i'm concerned he chose me over you" She said tears were building up but i wouldn't let it show so instead I slapped her and all hell broke loose "HOW DARE YOU BITCH!" she said "I SHOULD BE FUCKING ASKING YOU THAT!!" I said mad  "ITS YOUR FAULT MY SONS MISSES HIS FATHER!!" i added "ITS NOT MY FAULT,JOHN GOT BORED WITH YOU BECAUSE HE WASN'T GETTING THE ATTENTION HE NEEDED AND TURNED TO ME" She said and that's when I slapped her again it turned her cheek red

She slapped me in return and that's when things got more physical.

Carol came running in with john and his siblings 

"What is going on in here!!!"Carol said as steve and john seperated us. "I don't know mom, She just came in and started insulting me" I said "Quit lying Nicole" John said mad and I got hurt we were married for 6 years and he still doesn't know that i never lie. "I'm not fucking lying" I said as I left. "I AM NOT PUTTING UP WITH THIS ANYMORE!!" I shouted back at all of them I know it was rude and disrespectful but I coudn't help it. I grabbed my bag and caleb and left as fast as i could and drove home ........


"mommy are you okay" he asked "Yes baby I'll be fine but don't worry about mommy just keep smiling and i'll be okay" I said kissing him before we got ready for bed. 

Caleb immediately drifted off to sleep but somehow i couldn't My mind was everywhere I decided to have a glass of wine and went to my veranda and took a seat. 

I sat there thinking deeply about something and i hope my decision would be what's best. I need to do this for me. 


hey guys! sorry for late update but i've been sooo  busy i had work to do for 2 days straight and i couldn't write but now i'm back and i'll be writing the next chapter after this which heads up there would be a time skip so yeah watch out for what happens next (hint: we'll probably see a better nicole)  anyways bye for now 

Love Ya'll 

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