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Nicole POV

I was at home packing Caleb and I's stuff since we had to leave tonight for smackdown live this week. I didn't want to go and do the storyline with john but work is work and it has to be all proffesional.

I was about to finish when I got a call from Carol and a bunch of other people.

I answered immediately.

"Hello!?" I said 

"Nicole!!" Carol said crying in the background.

"Nicole, John is in the hospital!!" She said and I feel like breaking down, sure I moved on from him but nothing would change the fact that he is the father of my baby and once upon a time he was also my husband so nothing stopped me from crying.

"Hello!?" Carol said probably wondering if i was still here.

"Yes uhm what hospital?" I asked 

"Tampa Gen." Carol said 

"I'll be there in 10" I said as I ended the phone call.

(tampa gen. is short for tampa general hospital. I just made it short)

I quickly called up Brianna to come over and bring caleb later. I rushed to find my keys and I quickly left 

I arrived at the hospital to see Mama carol crying while matt was comforting her she immediately went to me when she saw me.

"What happened!?" I said wanting to know how this happened.

"Aj and John were in the middle of a terrible crash, but mostly aj because the car that hit them hit her side terribly, but the one that caused all this was a truck the driver got a stroke while driving.

"What did the doctor say?" I asked

"Nothing yet they are operating him" Matt said

A few days later

The doctor informed us that John was still in a coma. I have been coming to visit and stay with John to help Carol and the family. Aj's in the Intensive care unit since the damages were worse for her and It could affect her organs.

I bring caleb with me sometimes and he's the cutest he writes his daddy a card everytime and leaves it.

I informed vince about the current situation and he understood but was saddened by the situation and I haven't seen finn but I miss him so much. we talk everyday but still.

Vince said though that they would visit sometime this week.

meanwhile for me  since Momma carol got the biggest room in the whole hospital which included a few couches for the whole family to fit in when they visit and two bathrooms. I kinda set up a small workspace for me here.

I mean you gotta be productive and I have to keep up with my businesses also. I mean I have to support my child some way.

Brie and Randy have offered to stay at the house and take care of caleb too. 

I was about to continue in my work when Carol came with food.

" Hi darling!" She said 

"Hi mom" I said as she put the food on the table.

We were just conversing when Momma carol noticed John moved his hand.


Why is it dark? why can't i see? what happened to me? I somehow try to open my eyes but I can't seem to do it.

where is Nicole and why can't I see.

I try my hardest to move anything in my body, I can hear Nicole and my mother talking in the background.

My poor nicole she must be tired. She sounded exhausted.

I try to move my hand this time and surprising I accomplished doing that. I can hear that my mother noticed and told nicole and that's when I slowly tried opening my eyes.

Owww! The light is so bright.

After being successful in doing so I saw her there. My nicole My wife.

They immediately called a doctor.

"Love! what happened?" I said to Nicole and she and my mother looked shocked 

"John dear, You were in a terrible crash with your wife" My mother said 

"What Nicole are you okay?" I said but she looked perfectly fine.

"John, your wife Aj" My mother said and Nicole stayed silent. who is aj? 

"Owww! I don't have a wife named Aj, Nicole is my wife!!" I said as my head hurt so bad.


Hi guys! late update sorry and it's short but I kinda have a busy sched for the next three days so either i update now or later which I didn't want to keep you guys hanging until my sched is manageable. so here you guys go. again I'm so sorry! anyways 

Love Ya'll

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