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"Betty, remind me why we're trying this? You said he wasn't interested the first time you asked so just leave the guy alone," I fought an eye roll as I walked with my friend Betty to go and see Jughead's Dad, as she was determined to get him to go to his birthday party.

"Well, I think it would mean a lot to Jughead to have his father with him for his birthday, provided we can convince him to go," Betty insisted as we made our way through Fred Andrews' construction site to the trailer.

"Whatever you say, Bets. Can we hurry though? I'm bored already," I mock-whined as she chuckled and ascended the stairs to the trailer.

Betty entered the trailer with me following suit, while I silently prayed this "FP" wasn't there so I could just go already. Looking around my eyes landed on a man sat on a desk at the other end of the trailer.

"Mr Jones?," Betty somewhat cautiously spoke, causing the man to look up at the two of us, and I was stunned by how ruggedly handsome he was.

Trying not to gape at him, I swallowed slightly as he eyed the two of us with a raised brow.

"Betty, and uh....who's your friend?" FP responded as his eyes flickered over to me and looked me up and down.

I blushed lightly as Betty introduced me and tried to focus on what else she was saying, but ended up looking anywhere else but at him to attempt to distract myself.

However, as Betty began to talk about the party, I could feel his eyes on me and I fought the urge to look up at him.
"Jeez," I thought, "who'd have thought Jug's Dad was such a DILF?"

I heard him chuckle, and that seemed to do it for me, I was ready to bust a nut there and then.

"You sure don't give up do you?" FP looked at Betty before asking, "who's all gonna be at this thing?"

His eyes moved from Betty to me, and he licked his lips slightly as we made eye contact.

God, that tongue.

"Well, mostly the inner circle, plus maybe one or two more. Y/N here is coming, too." Betty's words hardly registered as I was currently pinned down by FP's stare, feeling unable to move.

Taking a deep breath, he tore his eyes away from me and said, "I'll think about it," before once again making eye contact with me.

"Oh- okay, well, um.. We'll see you there, hopefully?," Betty didn't sound so sure of herself as she replied rather awkwardly, and I realised it was time to go.


As Betty made her way towards the door, I turned to follow, but, still a little  buzzed from this intriguing stranger, I looked over my shoulder at FP, who was already focused on me, his eyes lowered.

"Bye, Mr. Jones," I sent a small playful smile his way as I noticed his breath hitch slightly.

Mission accomplished.


As Betty and I made our way back to her place, we talked about our encounter with FP Jones.

"I just want Jughead to be happy, but FP is kinda difficult to persuade, it's like he doesn't want to be with his son.. Though I'm sure he has his reasons, I just want him to be there for Juggie. Also, how weird was it that he was staring at you?! Like, the whole time I was talking, he was looking at you instead?" she exclaimed (just as I was thinking about Mr Jones).

"Hha...yeah..weird right?! Anyway, do you think Jughead would even be okay with it if he comes?" I awkwardly agreed and tried to divert the conversation away from whatever it was that just happened with me and FP.

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