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    The next day was anything but plain.

During the party, Betty and Jug had argued, Arch and Ronnie had "slept" together, Cheryl and Chuck had exposed secrets, and I had been upstairs getting frisky with a serpent.


I was now sat in Betty's room, listening to her talk about what happened wth Jughead. I couldn't help but feel angry as she played with her hands while continuing to explain what happened while I was.. otherwise engaged. However, though it seems they managed to talk it over, Betty was a worrisome person and she couldn't help but stew about it.

"Tell you what, Betts. How about we go to Pop's? On me," I leaned over and grabbed her hand, hoping my offer would cheer her up a bit.

"Ugh, you know me too well. Can we study there though? We should have started studying by now, I can't afford to get a B on this exam," Betty stressed, even though she's the definition of a perfect student.

Groaning, I agreed and we picked up our notes and headed over to Pop's, where we ordered our usuals and sat in our usual booth.

An hour into our study session, Betty excused herself to go to the bathroom, leaving me alone in the booth with hardly anyone left in the diner. Staring out of the window, I realised there were talking people outside, and my eyes grew wide as I realised it was a certain Southside Serpent with two others.

FP f***ing Jones.

Unable to pull my eyes away from him, he seemed to notice me staring, and suddenly he was making his way toward the door.


The bell rang as the door swung open, and FP Jones made his way over to my booth.

Well, bugger me.

"What are you doing?! Betty will be back any moment, we cannot be seen together.
Like, ever.
At all.
Nope," I seriously whispered to him as he dropped into he seat opposite me.

He chuckled and his tongue shot out quickly to lick his lip, and my mind instantly flashed back to that tongue doing sinful things to me...

"Relax, doll. Meet me here, Friday night," FP tore off a piece of paper from my notepad and scribbled something on it before sliding it across the table.

"See you there, sweetheart."

He winked at me, and quick as he came, he was gone again. My heart pounded as I gingerly picked up the small note, realising he'd written the name of the Serpents' bar.

Well, this could be very interesting.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Betty making her way back to our booth, so I calmly placed the note under other papers in my binder.

"Everything ok?," she smiled at me as she sat down, oblivious to anything that had just happened.

"Yeah, of course- just wondering if it's worth getting another milkshake, we might be here a while," I played it off surprisingly smoothly, my hand riffling the pages with the note underneath in anxious excitement.

Later that night, I lay awake in bed, playing recent events over in my mind.

Gee, if anyone knew I was such a sinner, I'd be sent to a nunnery.

My mind raced as I thought about what could possibly happen on Friday night; though I had a pretty clear idea, I was still a little nervous.

I knew one thing for sure, though, and that was that I had FP Jones wrapped around my little finger.

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