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Astraea didn't need to think twice once hearing your request, jumping out of bed and grabbing her keys, jogging out of the house. Now, you were clinging onto her, arms rapped around her waist, her tails, wrapped around your back to keep you stable, as she drove the two of you off to her house on her yellow scooter.
"We're almost there!" She called over the wind, speeding up a little to get there faster. You simply nodded against her back, signaling you heard. Although it was summer, it did get rather chilly during the night, and the cold wind blowing against your face wasn't making it any better, since you were only in your pajamas. It was a beautiful, clear night. Stars twinkling, and the moon shining bright. There were no cars or anyone out in the streets, since it was practically midnight, setting a calming atmosphere. After 7 minutes of some more driving, the two of you finally arrived at a small house. Astraea hesitantly unwrapped her tails from around your waist, as you jumped of the scooter, rubbing your arms, due to the coolness of the night. Astraea quickly parked her scooter in her shed, then throwing the two helmets onto a ripped couch, placed on the porch. "I'm sorry about the mess inside, my friends aren't exactly... Clean" she chuckled nervously, unlocking the door inviting you in. You clutched the straps of your bag tightly, due to nervousness. Stepping inside, you took in your surroundings. You were in a slightly untidy living room, a light blue couch placed in front of a large TV, several packets of finished chips, laying on an old coffee table, placed in between the couch and TV. The kitchen was off to the right, only being separated from the living room by a kitchen island. That too, had several food packets, and boxes of pizza sprawled across it. "I'll let you sleep in my room, since it's a mess in here" Astraea said, beckoning you after her. You happily followed, glancing at several hung pictures of Astraea and her two friends she mentioned, Catty and Bratty. The two of you walked passed several doors. One purple, another green, and the last one beige, before finally reaching a small staircase. Curiously, you continued to follow her, until you reached the top, a pastel red door sat in front of you. Quickly, Astraea let herself in, leaving the door open for you to come in after. There, was a large, slightly messy mattress, placed in the center against the furthest wall, and above, was an open, windowed roof that lowered down where her bed was. In front of her bed, the ceiling was higher and there was large open area. a fluffy beige carpet placed on the floor, and a desk was placed to the left of her room. On the right, was a TV, couch and several bookshelves. You gaped at her large room in awe. It was unlike any other room you had ever seen. "I'll go get a sleeping bag and sleep on the couch, you can have my bed for tonight" She said, taking off her jumper and chucking it into the corner of her room. Before she could run downstairs, you grabbed her by the forearm and smiled at her.
"You take your bed, don't be silly. I'll take the sleeping bag." Astraea simply shook her head, turning to face you.
"You're my guest though, you should get the bed!" She argued, smirking at you, her ears lazily lowered against her head.
"How about we share the bed then? It has to be a king sized mattress at least!" You chuckled, pointing towards the bed. Astraea's smirk grew wider, her eyes narrowing smugly.
"Fine, deal." She chuckled, walking back over to her bed and flopping onto it, shuffling over to the right side so you can also lie down.
"I love your room" You complimented, looking around curiously as you sat down next to her
"Thanks!" She giggled, getting under the blankets and turning over to face you. "So," she started, changing the topic "You said you'll tell me what happened when we got here" she said, her face slightly more serious now.
"Oh, yeah! I forgot" you chuckled, getting yourself comfortable for this upcoming rant. "Well," you started, propping yourself onto your elbow and facing Astraea, her doing the same.

"Wow... Are you serious?" She stated in disbelief, anger bubbling slightly in her stomach
"Yeah" you sighed, flopping yourself onto the bed to stare up at the ceiling, where you could see the stars twinkling.
"So that's' what happened to your cheek..." she whispered, side-glancing to look at your face.
"Is it that obvious?" You asked, bringing your hand up to your face to touch the sensitive spot. Astraea simply nodded, worriedly glancing down at your slightly bruised cheek.
"Do you need an ice pack or something?" She asked, sitting up from her position to go retrieve your necessities. You shook your head, smiling at her.
"No, it's okay Astraea" you reassured smiling at her. She simply nodded, laying herself back down and looking up at the stars above. "Can I tell you something?" You asked Astraea, still looking up at the sky, hands placed comfortably on your chest.
"Sure!" she simply replied, her too, looking up at the stars. "You're the first friend, that's my age that I've ever made" You whispered shyly, closing your eyes and smiling. Astraea ripped her gaze away from the sky, turning her head to look at you with wide eyes.
"M-me? Really?" She asked bewildered, mouth slightly agape. You nodded, eyes still closed, due to your tiredness. "Mmhmm!" You hummed. Astraea continued to stare at you, shock evident on her face. "You're a really important person to me you know?" This caused Astraea to blush bashfully, many thoughts swirling in her head. 'I'm her first friend!' 'why didn't she have friends before?' 'Am I really that important to her?' Astraea opened her mouth, about to ask a question, when she saw that you had already fallen peacefully asleep. She smiled at you shaking her head. She was about to lay her head back down on her pillow, before she caught sight of a long, pale line across your left wrist, closest to her. Her ears flattened against her head at the thought of what that could be, as she worriedly stared at the thin scar. She decided to shake it off, shaking her head and finally laying her head against her pillow, turning her back to your sleeping figure before, she too, fell into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.

"OMG Bratty! They're like, so cute!"
"OMG Catty! They're like, so cute!"

Two synced voices woke you from your slumber, making you groan. Opening your eyes, and adjusting to the light, you found two monsters sitting in front of you, phones in hand taking what you would assume, is a video or a picture. A feral growl of annoyance was heard next to you, causing you to freeze in place. Slowly turning your head, you found Astraea hugging you tightly, leg spread across your stomach, her other comfortably against the mattress. A blush spread across your face at the thought of these pictures being leaked onto social media. Oh no. You wriggled your arm out of Astraea's tight grasp, bringing it up to poke her on the cheek. Her brows furrowed in annoyance, as she nudged her head away slightly. You giggled, and poked her again, this time a groan was heard, as she opened your eyes. You stared back at her, wriggling your eyebrows seductively at her, before bursting into hysterics. Her eyes widened as her face flushed a bright red, quickly jumping up and falling off the mattress. You wrapped your arms around your stomach, due to your intense laughing session, the muscles in your stomach burned and begged for breath, causing you to gasp for air as tears springing to your eyes. Astraea on the other hand, was bashfully hiding her face behind a pillow on the floor, face cherry red in embarrassment.
"I'm so sorry (Y/n)!" Astraea apologized, her voice muffled by the pillow in front of her face "ohhh God..." she muttered to herself again, kicking her legs and mentally cringing. This caused you, and the two other monsters to laugh harder at the poor monster girl on the floor.
"It's fine!" You were able to choke out between laughter. "Please tell me you two got that on camera!" You laughed, asking the two new monsters in Astraea's room. They nodded gleefully, smirking to each other before both grabbing Astraea by the fore arms, and dragging her to her feet. They both wrapped their arms around her shoulders, squishing Astraea between the two and smugly smiling back at you.
"Like, what were you two up to last night?" The purple cat monster said, who you supposed was Catty. Her bright yellow, cat-eyes staring at you curiously, her mouth still pressed into a smirk
"Are you two like, a thing?" The alligator asked, who you guessed was Bratty.
"OMG! I like, so ship it!" Catty said, clapping her paws together, squealing excitedly
"We like, totally need a ship name!" Bratty said, turning to Catty for any ideas. "Oh wait, we like, totally forgot to ask what your name was!" Bratty laughed, bringing a hand to her mouth
"My name's (Y/n)" You smiled to them awkwardly, not knowing what else to do in this current situation
"Ohh~ you know what name would be good for their shi-"
"SHUTUP!" Astraea cut Bratty off with a yell, shoving the two off of her and regaining her posture. Inhaling deeply, she turned around and forcefully smiled to the two monsters. "(Y/n), is just a friend" she stated calmly, eyeing the two carefully, sending glares at the monsters, that you weren't aware of, making them immediately shut up. "I was hoping that I could introduce my FRIEND, to my other monster friends, normally, but it looks like that's not an option anymore..." Astraea sighed, bringing her fluffy hand to her face, pinching the bridge of her nose. She turned around, rolling her eyes in the process and looking at you. You were currently trying your hardest to hold in your laughter, coughing and clasping a hand to your mouth to prevent you from doing so. "(Y/n), meet Catty" Astraea motioned to the purple cat monster, "and Bratty" she then pointed towards the alligator. You waved at the two, not knowing what else to do with your hands. You were too focused on trying not to laugh, when suddenly, your ringtone erupted throughout the room, making everyone shoot their heads in it's direction, trying to find the source of the sound.
"Oh no!" You cried, running towards the phone to check who was calling. It was your aunt. "My aunt is calling!" You exclaimed, looking towards Astraea for help. Her eyes widened as she frantically grabbed her friends by the arms and dragged them outside.
"I'll give you some space to figure this out" she said, you nodding in thanks towards her as you watched the trio leave, closing the door behind them. You inhaled deeply, looking down towards your phone, before hesitantly answering the phone
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Your aunt screamed through the phone, making you quickly pull the phone away from your face, staring at the device wide eyed. You mentally cursed at yourself, trying to think of what you were going to say. "Hello? Young lady, you answer me RIGHT NOW!" You had an idea of what you were going to say, but you weren't sure. Your aunt was not going to like this. 'Here goes nothing' you mentally cringed.
"Why do you care where I am?" You snapped back at her, a sudden boost of confidence flying towards you, taking you by surprise.
"Don't you talk to me like that young lady" Your aunt screeched
"Jeez, you sound like a dying magpie, can you tone it down?" You smirked, hearing your aunt scream in anger on the other side.
"You listen here (Y/n), you, are acting like a spoiled teenage girl! How about you act your age, and tell me where you are!" Something about hearing your aunt so angry, seemed to satisfy you in a weird way. You felt as if you had control over your life now, instead of following whatever your aunt told you to do, like a five-year-old would at school. You sighed through the phone, eyebrows furrowing in frustration. There was no way in hell you were going to to tell your aunt where you were. Not only would you get into a lot of trouble, but Astraea as well, and you couldn't risk that.
"Why should I tell you?" You asked, taking pleasure when you heard an angry snort behind the phone
"I am your aunt. Your guardian. You will tell me where you are before I call the police!" Your aunt screeched, yet again. You growled in anger, bringing your free hand to touch the cheek your aunt had slapped. It was less painful now, but still sensitive to the touch.
"What are you gonna do when I get home? Slap me? Punch me? Kick me?" Your voice rising by the second, anger and a mixture of adrenaline coursing through you, yet again. "What are you gonna do when I tell the police I ran away because you were physically violent towards me?" You narrowed your eyes, grinding your teeth together, impatiently waiting for your aunt to reply. She was simply at a loss of words, slight guilt settling in the pit of her stomach. "Look, I don't have time for this," You concluded, sighing as you started to calm down slightly. "I have a phone, I'm under a roof and I have money," Your aunt tried to interrupt, but you simply cut her off again. "I'm fully capable of taking care of myself, so just leave me be!" You stated calmly, before hanging up and throwing your phone onto Astraea's white couch. You calmly walked out of Astraea's room, gently closing the door behind you. You hoped that nobody heard your fight with your aunt, as it would probably make them feel awkward and uncomfortable around you. You cringed at the thought of Astraea not wanting to be around you, throwing that thought to the side before entering the living room. There, sat Catty, Bratty and Astraea, watching something on their TV.
"Oh, hey (Y/n)!" Astraea called you, upon seeing you enter the living room. "You wanna meet the rest of the gang?"

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