chapter 18

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"Zoey!" My mom called my name for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"What?" I yelled back, equally as loud.

No answer.

Gosh, damn it. She always did that and after some time I always got sick of it and walked towards where her voice came from, finding out what she wanted me to do each time.

"Zoey!" My mom called again, making my feet move faster.

"Mom." I stepped into the kitchen, my voice cold. If she only wanted to tell me she bought a new nail polish, I would smash her head against the cupboard and let my sister take the fall.

"Zoey, finally. Do you want mushrooms in your sauce for-"

I gripped my hair and nearly ripped it out. Was she serious? "Mom, you know I hate mushrooms!" I angrily shouted and stormed away.

It was past noon and I hadn't bothered to change out of my pajamas yet. After waking up at 10am, I ate something and went back to bed, turning on the tv and watching different tv shows in a row. Right now I was watching The Vampire Diaries. Damn, I wished I had Nina Dobrev's body. And I wouldn't mind Ian Somerhalder being my boyfriend either. You just couldn't always get what you wanted, that was a proven fact.

Otherwise Lisa and I would be in Paris right now.

I didn't even know how our Paris obsession started. It just did somehow.

"I do feel different. I feel freer. Way more myself. All I know is I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. If I can get through that, I can get through anything."

I was intent upon my thoughts but this brought me back to reality. I think this Taylor or Tyler guy was talking. I actually had no clue what he was talking about and who he even was. Maybe I should watch this show more often, the actors were kind of hot. But they always were. Have you ever seen a movie with ugly main characters?

See? Exactly my point.

And yet society talked about being open with real issues that made teenagers feel bad about themselves in a young age. It was society that changed us and made us unhappy.

I looked down at my legs, wondering if I was too big for society's standards. Probably. No one ever called me fat but then again, I wasn't. I just wasn't super skinny. I had curves and I didn't have perfect skin and I probably wouldn't be a model in the near future. Actually, I once tried to lose weight based on a diet. My stomach grumbled at the thought of it. This diet didn't even last for 5 hours. I got too hungry and went to McDonald's.

If you didn't let anyone get to you, you can be happy with yourself.
"Food is ready!"

My three favorite words in the world. I made a run for the kitchen, beating Phoebe to it. My father was already seated at the kitchen table, talking to my mom about work.

He worked in the accounts department of a publishing enterprise, working full time and sometimes even on the weekends. He wasn't home that much and sometimes he went away on business and took my mom along. She worked in the same publishing enterprise but her work included something else.

I didn't mind reading that much but reading manuscripts didn't sound like a lot of fun and math was something I didn't even want to talk about.

My mom filled our plates and my mouth watered at the sight of the food. Pork with gravy (minus mushrooms for me, like seriously, why would you even put them into the gravy?) and potatoes. I squashed them, letting them soak the gravy. Peas and carrots framed the plate, making the healthy part of lunch. Normally my mom cooked in the evening but my parents were going out on a business meal tonight and I talked my mom into cooking lunch even though I would have a nice dinner tonight as well.

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