chapter 36

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There was nothing better than waking up next to the person you cared for the most.

Feeling their regular puffs of breath on the skin of your neck calmed you down, even when you had a thunderstorm going on inside you.

The proximity warmed your skin and made your heart do a somersault.

He may not be perfect, but he was perfect for me.

I was happy. I had 99 reasons to be happy and Harry Edward Styles was every single one of them.

I smiled down at the arm that was tightly wrapped around my waist, as if he were afraid I would leave him.

Our legs were entangled, making any escape impossible. But I didn't even want to leave. For all I cared, we could stay like this forever.

Nuzzling closer, Harry let out a sound that could qualify as a satisfying moaning. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.

Had I already reached that stage in a relationship where you questioned yourself whether you were good enough for your partner or not?

I tried to turn around and really had to wiggle a lot, Harry's grip was too tight to leave enough space. Somehow, I managed to face him.

In his sleep, his arm has dropped down to my ass. I tried my hardest not to laugh. Even sleeping Harry was a pervert.

Taking some time, I kept him under surveillance.

His left upper arm was on my eye level. I felt like counting the tattoos but I knew there were even more that I couldn't see right now.

A heart, a ship, nails, A, a human heart? I longed to know the meaning behind every single one and I swore to myself to question him one day.

His brown hair was messy, revealing its curly nature. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, not one furrow showing on his forehead.

The black lashes framing his eyes laid on his cheek, concealing those piercing green eyes I've gotten to love.

His breathing altered and I could tell he was awake before he spoke up. "I can feel you staring at me."

"I could do other things than just stare at you," I replied in a sing-sang voice.

"Hm, I'm already awake now but next time you could wake me up with a blowjob," Harry suggested which earned him a slap on the arm. "Ouch, I was only kidding!"

Sure, Styles. Of course you were.

It was nice to see that some things never changed.

"What time is it?" Harry asked, his voice still thick from sleep. He hid his face between my breasts, his hair tickling my sensitive nipples.

I squirmed, trying to catch a glance at the clock. "9:39. Way too early."

Harry hummed in agreement. "I'll visit Gemma after lunch. Wanna come along?"

"Yes," I answered him, playing with his hair. It was so soft and definitely made me envious.

"Thank you for being here for me," Harry quietly told me. "I feel like a time bomb ticking and without you I might blow."

Honestly, I had no idea how to respond to that. Instead of saying anything, I pressed a kiss to his jaw.

Not to his lips because, well, you know, morning breath and all. Yummy.

Lethal (Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant