Chapter 6

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I bite my lip.

oh god why did we kiss?
I should've pulled away...

I look at him and shake my head. I turn around and climb out and down the tree. I sprint over to Allie and Nash.
"Allie I'm going home I don't feel good..." I lied.
Allie stands up and walk towards me. She grabs my shoulders.
"Are you ok Nicole?" I look down and shake my head.
"No..." I whispered. Allie hugs me. Then turns to Nash.
"We should go... Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?" She says to Nash.
He nods. "Yea... Call me or text me later." He plants a kiss on her cheek.
Allie wraps a towel around me then around her and we leave.
"So what's wrong?" She says while we walk.
I look down and watch my feet. "It's just me and Hayes.. We kissed and I want to be his friend but I don't.. At the same time... And now things will be way different and I don't want that."
She's silent. "Oh..." I stay silent also. I just want to get in fluffy pajamas and lay in bed. Maybe watch movies all day tomorrow. And just ignore Hayes for a while?
We reach the house and walk in silently. Mom and dad are standing there.
"Where have you two been?" Mom asks crossing her arms.
"Hayes and Nash's house." Allie says quietly. "I called and told you earlier where we were."
"Allie it's 11:37pm!" Dad shouts.
I shake my head. "It's not like we were out rooming the streets..." I mumble.
"Excuse me?" Mom says turning her attention to me.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "You heard me. We were literally 5 houses down mom!" I say slipping my flip flops off.
"Who knows what you two were doing with those boys!" Dad yells back at both of us.
Allie buts in. "Swimming dad! We were swimming." She says gesturing to our swimsuits.
Mom rolls her eyes. "You two are grounded!" In look at her confused.
"What!" Allie yells. "For what? It's not a school night! It's summer! Both of you know Hayes and Nash well whats wrong with us hanging out with them?"
"1 week." Dad says.
"No." I whisper. "Allies right!" I say pointing to her shaking my head.
Allie grabs my arm and pulls me upstairs with her. "Just ignore them." She whispers walking up the stairs.
"1 week!" Mom yells from downstairs.
I walk into my room and slam the door.

this will be easy to ignore Hayes now.
stupid parents.

I grab blue pajama pants out of my drawer and grab a gray shirt out. I take my swimsuit off and pull on my pj's. I throw my swimsuit into my dirty clothes basket and fall into my bed.
I grab my headphones and put them on. I fall asleep listening to music.

I wake up to my phone ringing.
"Hello?" I say groggily.
"Hey it's Hayes."
"I know I have caller i.d"
He laughs. "Do you want to hang out today?"
"Can't. I'm grounded for a week."
"Really? Why."
"Long story..." I trail off I want to tell him I just want to be friends.
"Did you just wake up?" He asks.
"Um ya.. Hayes? I nee to tell you something really important."
"What is it?"
"Well.. This is hard... After we kissed. I realized I want to stay friends. We have such a good friendship, I don't want to lose that... Can you understand?"
He stays quiet.
"Actually I was thinking the same. I mean I like you. I really do! But I like you more as a friend then I do as a girlfriend."
I smile. Good he agrees with me.
"Even though you're grounded do you maybe want to hang out at 'chili'?"
I laugh. Sneaking around? "Ya.. Being food and a few movies with you. Ill do the same!" I hope my mom will atleast let me out in my treehouse.
I hurry out of bed and grab shorts and a baggy teeshirt. I tuck the .front in and pull my hair up.
I run into the kitchen. "Mom.. Am I atleast aloud to play outback in my treehouse?" I beg.
"Ya that's fine. No friends though."
I fake groan. "Fine.."
I run up to my room again and grab 3 movies. Mean girls. Nemo. And Hotel Transylvania.
I throw them in a bag. And grab my small portable tv and put it in the bag too.
I run downstairs. "Hey what's in the bag?" Mom asks curiously.
I look behind me. "Oh just gonna decorate the house on the tree." I lie again. I hate lying to her. She shoo's me and I run out the house. To the tree.
I climb up it in a hurry, and knock.
"Hayes?" I whisper.
He opens the door. "Niki! Hurry come in!" I look behind me and run in.

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