Chapter 10

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"So whose hungry?" Mom says licking her lips looking at the food laid out in the table.
"I sure am!" Mr. Cresta answers. Mom walks over to the plates and grabs them. She hands them out to all of us including herself.
"I'm starving!" I say, just to say something. Mom and Mrs. Cresta both flash me a nice smile.
I pile food onto my plate. Potatoes, broccoli, fish, corn on the cob, and just a glass of water.
Everyone eats and has small chat about their families.
"So I assume both your girls hve boyfriends?" Mr. Cresta says winking at our parents.
Allie blushes. "Ya? I would say they both do?" Mom says looking at me, pretty much asking about me and Hayes. Ouch.
I shake my head no and smile. "I actually don't..." I trail off but recover and speak. "I've actually never had a boyfriend." Mrs. Cresta smiles.
"That shoes how much of a young lady you are then!" I glance at Austin and notice he is staring at me, I blush and look away.
Allie notices me and flicks an eyebrow at me. I do the same back.
"So what grades are you two in? Or should I say.. Going into?" Mrs. Cresta asks.
"Oh! Nicole is going into eighth and Allie is going into eleventh!" My dad replies.
"Austin's going in eighth too!" My parents smile and so does Mr and Mrs. Cresta.
We all eat. the parents talk about parent stuff, kids just stare at eachother. I glance back over to Austin to still see him staring at me. I always look away.
What seems like hours, mom finally dismisses me and Allie from the table.
"Oh dear?" Mom says to me. I walk over to where she is. "Why don't you show Austin the backyard?" She leans to my ear and whispers,"our guest will be here for another hour and 30 minutes, so just hang out with him?" She leans back and I nod.
Austin stands awkwardly as I walk over to him. I decide not to tell him my mom is making me hangout with him, that would sound like I don't want to, but I do. I might as well find another friend.
"Hi. Do you want to go outside?"
He smiles. "Sure! Let me get my shoes."
I smile, I should change out of my dress and put the sweats I had on before.
"Ok let me change?" He smiles and nods.
I sprint up stairs and into my room. My clothes from earlier are laying on my bed, so I just swipe them up and slide them on. I put a headband it to keep my bangs out my face. Glancing at the mirror I check my clothes then head back down stairs.
I notice Austin waiting at the stairs. "Ready to go outback?" I say smiling as stand next to him.
I notice him nod, so I walk pass him and head towards the backdoor. I look behind me to see him smiling at me, I return the smile and push the backdoor.
"So this is pretty much the backyard?" I laugh and gesture to the whole space of the backyard. He laughs and grabs my arm. I stare at his hand gripped around my arm and look up to meet his eyes.
"Want to swing?" Austin says. I nod and he pulls me toward the swing set I've had since 4th grade.
Austin finally let's go. We both plop on the swing and swing.
I kick and pump my legs to go higher and higher. I stop when I notice Austin slowing down.
He just stares in front of him. I stand up and stand In front of him. "Austin? What's wrong?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.
He looks up and smile. "How do you not have a boyfriend? You're amazing." I bite my lip and instantly think of Hayes.
"Well... Me and one of my friends had a thing... But we got in a huge fight over something stupid." He nods.
"What was it about?" I stay silent and just stare at him. Austin touches my hand. "It's okay, you can tell me." He smiles and I melt.
"Well, my friend is Hayes. Do you know him?"
"Yes I've seen his vines, and around the mall I've seen him."
I smile, then stop myself. "well he started dating this girl who is a slut.. And it really hurt me. And I just broke down, now we're not friends." He frowns.
"Oh... I'm sorry..." He stands up and hugs me. I barely know Austin but he seems nice. I mean he's listening to me, and comforting me about my problem with Hayes. Austin didn't even judge me when I admitted I was jealous of Kris like Hayes had. I think I like Austin. A lot.
We both pull away. "Nicole?" I look at him and smile.
He scratches the back of his head. "Nicole, I know we just met but I kinda like you... And you probably don't like me but I was hoping we could go out sometime- no sorry actually..."
My eyes brighten and I flash a big goofy smile at him. "I actually like you alot Austin." I say blushing alittle.
He blushes and fumbles with his fingers. "So.... Nicole? Want to go out sometime?" I smile and nod really fast.
"Yes. Yes. Yes!" Austin laughs and gives me a quick hug.
"Hey? Let me give you my number?" He takes out his phone and hands me it. I go to his contacts and add my number in with my name also. I smile and hand it back to him.
"Austin? Honey it's time to go!" We turn to see his mom standing by the door way. We laugh and walk to the back door.
"I'll text you tomorrow?" I blush and look at the ground. Austin walks through the back door while I stand there smiling like an idiot.

Finally a boy that won't
break my heart!

I wait 5 minutes to go inside so I don't see Austin, I don't want to act awkward around my parents and his.
When I do walk in, I walk in smiling and skipping.
"Well, well, well? What did you and Austin talk about?" My mom says smiling, while washing the dishes.
I look around to see if anyone was around, no one was. I run towards her and whisper. "I think I have a date!"
Mom screams in joy and gives me a big hug. "Aww hun that's great! Austin is too cute!" I give my mom a kiss on the cheek and skip into my room.
I fall into my fluffy bed and let happiness surround my body, letting me fall into sleep, dreaming happy beautiful dreams. No worries, just coziness.

SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE A WEEK TO UPDATE!! I'm kinda really lazy and I procrastinate alot! So ya! I might post tomorrow but it's Monday tomorrow and I have a choir concert and blahhhhh school. Please rate and comment! Also follow me for updates! :)

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