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Anna's POV
We all sit quietly, waiting.

Well, not all of us. The younger three, Cas, Gabriel, and Samandriel, are hidden upstairs. Maybe they can be safe from our fate. It's a horrible last-ditch effort, but we hope it'll work. The demons break down the door, and point guns at our parents.

"Get the three upstairs." The leader says.

"There is no one upstairs," my mom says.

The demon hits her over the head with his gun, and then points it at me.

"Get the three upstairs. Now."

I wince and go unwillingly. I knock on the door and Castiel opens it, and looks terrified.

"They know you're here. You all have to come."

Cas simply nods and gets the younger two, Gabriel and Samandriel. We walk downstairs in silence, and then go with the demons. We're loaded into a truck, and sit in silence once again. We're unloaded at a train station, and we see our friends the Winchesters, and Jo Hervelle, their cousin. We're all loaded onto the train, and we're all silent for a while.

"Didn't work at your house either?" Michael asks Dean, the oldest.

Dean shakes his head. He tried the same thing we did, hiding Sam and Adam, his younger siblings.

"We should've tried to stop them." Sam says.

We all shush him. No one speaks of rebellion.

"Why not? Dad rebelled! That's why we even have him!" Sam points to Adam.

Adam's only their half brother. Their father, John Winchester, rebelled when he slept with Adam's mother, Kate Milligan. Humans are only allowed one mate. It actually would've gone unnoticed, as no one knew. Until the demons tested Adam's blood, found out who his father was. Then they took John away, and put Kate Milligan(Adam's mother), and Mary Winchester, (John's wife) together to raise the children.

"Sam, don't talk about your father that way." Jo says.

"Why not?!? We never talk about him period!" Sam yells.

"That's because we're not supposed to!" Dean snaps.

"Why? Why do we follow their rules? Why don't we go join the rebellion?" Sam asks.

"Because it's dangerous Sam! We could get caught! And I couldn't loose you like that!" Gabriel, of all people, snaps.

Sam looks at him, tears in his eyes. "You know you wouldn't."

Sam kisses the shorter boys head. We all look at them in surprise.

"When did you two,"

"We haven't yet, Dean. But we want to. When we get free."

There's no age limit on applying for a mate, and we can choose whoever we want. Male or female. The only thing is both people have to agree. Whenever we get out of here, I hope I find one. When the train stops we're all taken to other trucks. Novaks in one, Winchesters and Jo in the other. We're driven to a parking lot, where a woman is standing. We recognize her as Lilith, second-in-command. We had to learn names of higher ranking demons.

Alistar, the leader. He controls everything, he's the top dog. The boss, the king, the emperor, whatever you wanna call him. He's that. He led the demons to take over our world.

Lilith, his second-in-command. Then there's Abbadon, leader of the army, and Cain. No one talks about him much, only says we should respect him.

"The Novaks. Welcome. Take them to their room. Except the oldest two. You know where to take them."

The demons grab me and Michael and separate us. I manage to get lose and try to run after him, but they just grab me again. They drag me to a cold, stone room.

"Strip." They say.

"What? No!" I say.

"Strip." They snarl.

I take off everything but my bra and my underwear. They take me through another door and strap me to a table and leave. I whimper, knowing what's about to happen. A woman comes in, and she's wearing sunglasses. When she lifts them up get eyes are pure white.

"Hello Anna, I'm Pamela. Welcome to your worst nightmares."

She attached wires to me, and flips a switch. I scream. It feels like hours that I go on like that. I'm being shocked, but it's not killing me. Only hurting me, and causing me pain. She finally shuts it off and laughs.

"Interesting. I'd like to see that again."

She flips the switch back on, and again I scream. I scream for Michael. For my mom. For my dad. But I know they're never coming. When she finally shuts it off, she unhooks me.

"That's enough for today. Be back here tomorrow, 7 am sharp. You can go home."

I weakly get off the bed and practically drag myself out. I re-dress myself,and then I pass out.

When I awaken its to an ice PAC on my head.

"Samandriel..." I whisper.

"Anna's awake," he calls.

Castiel and Gabriel come to me.

"Are you ok?" Castiel asks.

I cough. "No, I... I don't know what those demons did to me... but.. everything just hurts. Where's Michael?"

They all look at each other.

"They brought you back Anna, but not him."


"He's gone Anna." Samandriel says.

I start crying. Michael and I promised our parents we'd take care of them together.

Now I have to take care of them alone.


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