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Ruby's POV
Meg and i's patrol has been out for a few days, and we're on the very edge of the neutral zone.

"How much longer do we have to be out here?" Balthazar whines.

"Crowley said be back at midnight to report to Lucifer." Meg says.

Lucifer, leader of the rebels. Crowley, leader of the army. Ruby and Meg, commanders.

We're a rebel patrol, making sure no demons come to our boundary, although not going onto theirs. We're staying in an understood neutral territory.

We hear a truck.

"Reinforcements?" Benny asks me.

I look at Meg, and she shakes her head.

"No," I whisper.

"Rebels! Fire at will!"

I recognize the voice as Abbadon herself.

Bullets fly, real ones, while we fire with rock salt. Real bullets have no effect on them.

"Retreat! Back to base camp!" I yell.

We rush back to our base, turning only to fire.

I see Benny go down, then Balthazar. Sadly we have no time to collect our fallen warriors. We make it back to base camp, out of breath. We hear two sets of footsteps, and I raise my gun when I see they wear demon armor.

"Wait! Please don't fire!"

They take their helmets off.

"Human." They say.

Demons usually don't let themselves look human, they always have the black eyes.

"Get holy water." I say.

I throw it on both of them and nothing happens.

"Ok, they're good." I say.

"You might wanna check on her..." The brown haired one says.

I turn around and Meg's on the ground, bleeding.


I rush to her side and cup her cheeks.

"Blonde, help me get her in the truck, Brunette, drive. The rest of you stay here and pack up camp."

Blonde helps me get her into the truck and the other one drives.

"Come on Meg, stay with me! Agh, Azazel's gonna kill me for even letting you get hurt... don't die on me!"

We make it to the camp, and Azazel, Meg's boyfriend, looks at me in shock.

"Demon patrol, get her to Charlie!" I yell.

He takes Meg and runs to Charlie, the camp doctor.

"Who are these two?"

Crowley. He's probably not happy about the fact I brought two strangers into the camp.

"Not sure. Ain't demons though, sprayed holy water on them."

"Come with me boys, you too Ruby."

I know where he's taking us. Lucifer. The big boss.

We knock on the door and Lucifer answers.

"What do you want Crowley?"

"Ruby brought two strangers to the camp."

Lucifer looks past him to us. "And?"

"And Meg got shot. Anything else you'd like to add?" Crowley asks.

"Balthazar and Benny are dead." I say.

Lucifer sighs. "Alright, I'll get the story. Come on in."

The two boys look at each other then follow us in.

"Story, now."

I tell him what happened, the ambush, the deaths, picking them up and Meg.

Lucifer sighs.

"Get them to a guest house. Check on Meg when you're done. We'll hold the ceremony for Balthazar and Benny tomorrow."

I nod.

"Both of you, with me, now." I growl.

They both follow me quietly.

"So what are your names anyway?" I ask.

"Names Dean Winchester." Blonde says.

"Michael Novak."

"Ruby. You'll both be staying here." I say.

They open the door.

"Fresh clothes, running water, warm beds. Do whatever you want just make sure you're in the main area for the death ceremony tomorrow. If you need help finding it, find someone that's not me."

I walk away and towards the medical cabin. I see the rest of my crew has just gotten in. I walk into the medical cabin and see that neither Meg nor Charlie are here.

"If you're looking for Charlie and Meg, they're at the hospital." Charlie's assistant, Gilda says.


I run across the camp to the hospital.

"Meg and Charlie." I tell Dorthy, the receptionist.

"Third floor, room 325." She says.


I take the old elevator to the third floor.

"She's still in surgery." A nurse tells me.

I nod. I go and sit in 326 and wait for her. A few hours later she's wheeled in, Azazel on Charlie's heels.

"For the last god damn time Azazel she'll be fine! When she wakes up we'll give her pain killers and keep her for a few days but she'll be fine!"

She brings Meg in.

"And when I leave close the god damn door!"

She walks out and I quickly close the door.

"She'll be fine." I say.

Azazel just stares at Meg.

This is going to be a long night.....

Please forgive me that it's short, but I wanted to give this book some love.

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