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Cry. That's all I did all night. I had stayed up in the tree all night. Collins and Devan eventually left after not succeeding in finding me again. I sat up on the tree branch I was on, pulled my knees into my chest, and started bawling. What had gotten into me? I had a chance to go home. Surely mom and dad had been arrested so I wouldn't of had to deal with them. Collins and Devan cared for me and had spent probably all day looking for me only for me to run away again!

Collins' POV

We had finally found Hannah! Devan tried to hold her back and get her to come home but Hannah eventually got out of his grip and shoved him into me. She then ran off again. Did she WANT to live in the woods? Devin and I got up and dusted ourselves off and looked for Hannah for about half an hour more. We couldn't find her so we decided to go to the police again.

At the police station

Devan and I ran in. "We found Hannah!" Devan shouted. Hannah had been a huge deal at the police station. An officer came up to us. "I'm sorry what did you say again...about Hannah?" "We found her! We know where she is and we tried to get her to come home but she ran off!" I shouted. "Boys follow me." We followed the police officer and he led us to his cop car. "Get in boys." We got into the back and the officer brought a German shepherd into the front seat. "Do you have anything of Hannah's?" The officer turned around in his seat to us. "Um yeah yeah right here." I pulled out a headband that had fallen off of Hannah's head while she ran from us. The officer took it and let the dog sniff it. "Ok Baily point the way!" He officer commanded.

We got to the woods and we all got out. The dog sniffed the headband again and started leading us to Hannah.

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