Almost dead

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"HANNAH!!" I screamed as we all ran to Hannah's crash site. The next thing I saw was Hannah. All twisted, with blood and cuts all over her. I ran over to her and picked up her wrist. No pulse. I checked her neck. No pulse. "NOOOOOOOO!!! HANNAH!!!" I screamed as the tears started falling off my face. I hugged Hannah and started rocking her back and forth. Devan called 911 and within 5 minutes medics were running over to us. They took Hannah away from my arms and put her on a stretcher. "She's not breathing and she has no pulse." One of the medics said. "We need to get her to the hospital fast! We might be able to revive her!" Another medic said.

We all hopped into the back of the ambulance and we were at the hospital in 10 minutes flat. Devan and I were told to wait in the waiting room until further notice.

Hannah's POV

The next thing I knew I was falling. I hit the ground and everything went black. I woke up to see myself before a huge white gate. There was an angel. "My dear one, your time is not yet done on Earth." The angel spoke to me. "Why am I here?" "You have died my child, but you will be ok." Th angel answered. "I died! But what about my brothers!?" I questioned. "I am sending you back down to Earth. You are not done yet. The Lord has big things ahead for you." The angel made a motion towards me and the world I was in started to fade away. I felt like I was falling into nothing. Blackness surrounded me and the next thing I knew I was in a hospital room. I saw my body laying on a bed. I was on life support.

Devan and Collins were holding my hands, crying their eyes out. I walked over to my body to see I had been cut pretty badly and I had stitches all over. My heart monitor was beeping, but very slowly. A nurse came into the room. "I'm sorry boys but she's been on life support for a month now, been to long. It's time to pull the plug." Devan looked at me on the bed with sorrow in his eyes. Collins put his head down and cried harder. I had to get back in my body! And fast! The nurse was walking over to the plug. I quick touched my body. I was back in my body put I was sleeping. I heard the nurse say, "Any last words to your sister?" "I'll never forget you Hannah." Devan cried. "I'll always miss my come home hugs." Collins choked out. I heard the nurse saying, "3-2" SHE WAS COUNTING DOWN TO PULL THE PLUG! I quickly squeezed Devan and Collins' hands. "WAIT!" Devan shouted. "Oh my goodness what?" The nurse stated. "She's alive! She just squeezed our hands!" Collins said. "Hannah if you can hear us please squeeze my hand." The nurse's hand took the place of Devan's and I squeezed it.

"Oh's a miracle from Heaven!" The nurse stated. My eyes fluttered open and I started looking around the room. "Devan? Collins? What..what's happening?" They didn't answer but they both hugged me and started crying again. "Hey hey guys that's enough. He said I would be ok." "Who said you would be ok?" Collins questioned with curiosity and concern in his voice. "Him!" I said. I pointed to the angel I had seen in Heaven earlier. He was standing on the other side of the hospital room smiling at me and my brothers. "There's no one over there Hannah." Devan said. "Yes there is! That's the angel I saw in Heaven. He's the one that said I would be ok! He's right there guys!"

Everyone in the room looked again. "Do you not see him?" I questioned. "No Hannah we don't see anyone." Devan said.

Devan's POV

Hannah had finally woken up but she was saying all these weird things about an angel being in the room and that she had visited Heaven. She said the angel in the room was the angel she had seen on her visit to Heaven. Is she going crazy or did this stuff actually happen? She started to explain her whole trip to Heaven starting from when she fell from the tree. It all seemed so real. Hannah put so much detail into her story I was starting to believe her.

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