Hanzo X Reader ~ Irritating

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In this one shot you're McCree's sibling
Lmao I made this in twenty minutes

I watched as each practice dummy was slowly shot down, eventually falling down steaming with several holes destroying their being.

I wasn't the destructor, not to anyone's surprise. It was the white-haired soldier, who stood with his feet shoulder width apart, his breathing not bothered whatsoever.

I clapped, a smirk present on my face. "Look at that," Jack whipped over to me, and even with his visor on I could tell he was irritated, "Mister perfect served those poor dummies no mercy, huh?" I laughed, but the soldier found no humour in my words.

"What do you want, (First Name)?" Jack asked me, placing his gun beside me and sitting cross-legged. He picked up his water bottle, which laid nearby, taking a long drink.

"Just a couple questions," I reassured him with a careless wave of my hand, "It's about that Japanese dude."

"Genji?" Jack asked, then sighed. "There are two Japanese men in Overwatch, you have to be more specific."

"The black-haired one with the tattoo," I told him.

"Hanzo," Jack informed me, "His brother is Genji, the cyborg."

"Don't care," I rolled the fact away restlessly, "Tell me more about Hanzo."

The soldier let out a low chuckle, "Why don't you go ask Jesse?"

"Because he's out, and I don't wanna wait." I answered, "Anyways, keep on going, tell me about him."

Jack sighed, "Well, his last name's Shimada, and he likes archery."

"Okay," I paused, face contorted as I thought, "That means... he doesn't use close combat either!"

"Well, he does use close combat, but not as much..." Jack let his voice trail off, rolling his eyes. I was already halfway out the door by now, sprinting to where I believed Hanzo's room was.


I knocked three times already, my foot tapping the floor impatiently. The thought didn't dawn on me once that Hanzo was out on a mission like my brother, Jesse, but I waited nonetheless.

Finally, as I raised my fist to knock a fourth time, the door was opened.

I grinned up at Hanzo's fairly familiar face, which was contorted into annoyance.

"What do you want, McCree?" Hanzo snarled at my smaller form.

I noticed his hair was tousled, and I guessed he just woke up. "It's three in the afternoon," I stated with a chuckle, "Why on earth are you still in bed?"

"Is there a reason you are here?" Hanzo closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Well, yeah actually," He rose a brow at me, "I was wondering if we could train tomorrow, just you and me!"

"Why would I want to do that?" Hanzo rolled his eyes to the heavens, his annoyance practically wafting off of him.

"Well, we both work with long ranged weapons," I hastily unlatched a revolver from my belt, waving it in Hanzo's face. "It'll be fun!"

"It appears we have different definitions of fun," Hanzo told me, going to press the button to close his door.

"Come on, at least gimme a chance!" I pleaded, hand stopping the door from closing.

Hanzo stared back at me, then sighed. "You're as irritating as your brother."

"I get that a lot," I told him with a cheeky grin, "Anyways, yes or no?"

Hanzo looked me up and down, then closed his eyes, as if recollecting himself. "Fine."

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