Author's Note

360 4 10

Boo, I'm terrible and so is writers block, yay!
Anyway, I thought maybe you guys would like Oc's instead of Reader things? That chill? If so, totally fill this out and I'll get right to it asap;

Full name:
Code name (Not necessary):
Overwatch/Blackwatch/New recruit/Civilian:
Occupation (Some members became mercenaries after disbandment):
Physical description/faceclaim:
Mbti personality type: This can be proven easily below or by taking the Myers Briggs test
-Extrovert or introvert: Either E or I
-Sensory or Intuitive: Either S or N
-Thinking or Feeling (Do they hide their feelings or show them): Either T or F
-Perceiving or Judging (Do they watch things play out or do they have specific goals): Either P or J
Weapon/Skill (Not Necessary):
Shipped with (If you want it to only be a friend thing or something without romance, let me know):
Anything else I need to know:
Prompt (Not necessary):
Before disbandment/Before recall/After recall:

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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