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With his arm around my waist, Nate snored lightly, as we laid in his bed. Something in me made my stomach twist and turn, before slowly making its way up my throat. I quickly get out of the bed and run to the bathroom. I thank whoever used the bathroom last for leaving the toilet seat up in my head, as I throw up my lunch into the toilet.

I flush the toilet, sitting on the floor with my back to the wall. I tilt my head up, laying it on the wall as well. Tears well up in my eyes, it becoming hard to swallow, as my memory reminds me of what Nate had said to the boys before.

2 Weeks Ago

"Yo, Skate." Swazz says, probably to grab Nate's attention.

I grab the spinach dip before putting some of it in a bowl, deciding to eavesdrop.

"What?" Nate replies.

"What would you do, if you found out Giselle got pregnant?" Sammy questions, my hands stopping in its tracks.

It's quiet for a minute before Nate speaks up.

"Like right now?" He asks, me biting my lip.

"Yeah." Sammy answers.

It's quiet again, as I start to gnaw at my lip.

"She'd have to get an abortion or an adoption." Nate answers, my mouth dropping. "I'm just not ready for a kid, you know?"

"Yeah." The boys replied, before the sound of guns and yelling is played.


"What am I gonna do?" I mumble to myself.

I get up, rinse out my mouth before going back to the room. I lean in the doorway, watching Nate sleep. I wipe a tear off my cheek, before grabbing my sweatpants and sweater off the floor. I quickly put them on, before kissing Nate on his forehead.

"I love you." I whisper, kissing his lips before leaving.

I walk home, my hands in my pocket with my hoodie over my head. I shove my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, the night breeze cooling my hot body. I take a deep breath, walking into my house. I go up to my room, hopefully not waking up my parents. I grab my suitcase and start packing.

Stay Lost : N.M. AUWhere stories live. Discover now