the day.....

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Mom and dads pov i dont think we should neither but we have to
Dad ok lets get the girls down here
Daictor  wait let us put on the camra
Dad ok
Mom ok
Daictors name is david
David and now
Mom and dad girls bring baby sis down and yourselfs we have somthing to say to you all
Everbody coming
Mom k
Dad k
All came down
Mom okmthis is really hard to say so your dad is going tk say it
Dad imknow you guys love it here so much but we are moving
Laila ok but were
Mom we will tell you later
Dad now go pack
Everbody ok
Lailas pov i hooe we move to Virginia reaston town because that is were my three bestfreinds live
Madelyn and Madison pov
Maddy were do you think we are moving to
Made mom and dad love Virginia Reston town because remember when the said that img this is the best place to be in vaction at
Maddy yeah that is true
Emmas pov
I wede we mov to
Victoria pov
Were are we moving to
Erika pov were are we moving too
Moms pov
Mom are you girls ready
All the girls almost
Mom k hurry we leave in 5
Laila ok
Erika ok
Madison and madylen ok
Emma outa
5 min later
Mom are you girls ready we have to leave now
Girls yeah
David i still have to get on my shoe
Mom well hurry up david
Dad yeah hurry up david
Mom k lets go
Gets everything in the car
Laila so mom or dad were are we moving to
Mom you will see it on your bording pass
Laila okkkkkkkkkkkkkk sighs
Geting the bording passes
Mom ok who ever gets them first dont show any emotions that will give it away same with everbody else actually dont read them intell everbod gets them ok
Evrybody okk
Everbody gets theres
Mom ready set go
Everbody omgomgomgogmogmgomg
Emma wht do dis tay
Mom it says Virginia
Emma ohhhhhhhhh yeah yeha yeah wht do it kean
Mom we move to Virginia
Emma outa
Mom yeah so lets go get on the plane
Everboy ok
Gets on the plane
Skip plane ride beacuse you know boring
David everbody wake up we just landed
Everbody okkkk
Mom thank yyou david
Byeee you guys later i am going to do another one because yeah why not and it is just going to be pictures of the house byeee and i am going to make a fuckboy burn book later so byeeeee see you later

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