the talk

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Laila hey jacob can you  spend the night at my house
Jacob let me talk to my mom about that
Laila ok
Aydm can we go now
Mark yeah let go
Sam shut up there having there moment
Jacob blushes
Laila blushes
Aydm ooo there bushing
Laila no I am not lets go to starbucks
Jacob yeah lets go
Sam ok
Aydm ok
Mark ok
Laila hey aydm I am to lazy to walk can I ride on your back
Aydm yeah sure
Laila thanks
Gets on back
Aydm I am tired of caring get on someone else's back
Laila l hey sam
Sam sorry no
Laila k hey mark
Mark sorry my legs hurt
Laila k
Adym ok so me sam and mark set up somthing that if she asked to ride on there backs befor she asked to ride on jacobs back they make up a excuse to not career her and when she ask.jacob we awere going to see if he says yes or not
Laila hey jacob will you cary me
Jacob yeah get on
Laila thanks
Aydm okk
Gets to starbucks
Cashier hello what would you like today and cute couple
Jacob and laila
Everbody orders gets drinks

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