the sleepover

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Jacob hey mom
Mom yeah
Jacob can I sleep over at the nebs
Mom yeah sure bye
Jacob bye
Went up stairs to pack
Jacob I am aloud to come over
Laila.ok and yes you are it is ok with my mom and dad
Jacob k bye
Laila k bye
Jacob knocks on door
Jacob hey
Laila.hey.lets my room
Jacob ok
Laila or do you.want to go to the therters room
Jacob theater room
Laila ok lets go
Went to the room
Laila.what do you want
Jacob 13 reasons way
Laila ok
Jacob puts his hand on yours
Laila you hold his hand
Jacob hey can you show me around your house
Laila yeah sure
Shows him your house
Jacob damn your house is nicer them mine
Laila cool
Jacob hey lets go to your first room
Laila ok lets go
Sits on bed
Jacob truth or dare
Laila.ok lets call some freinds to come over here
Jacob ok
Jacob calls 3 freinds
Laila calls.3
All.come over
Laila ok aydm truth or dare
Ricco dare I dare you to kiss ariel on the lips
Ariel come on
Ricco ok
Kises.her on the lips
Ricvo laila truth or dare
Laila dare
Ricco I dare you to makeout with jacob
Jacib lets just get down and over with
Laila ok
Kisses softly and then turns into a.makout session laila gets on top iver jacob and jacob puts his hand.down her.pants
Ricco ohhh get some laila
Laila lays on top off.jacob and then jacob flips to the top and stars to give laila hickys on her neck
Laila pulls back
Jacob 14 october 2 2002
Laila.same.ok we can stop now.right
Ricvo yeah

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