Chapter 2

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After that happened, I decided to lay in bed for a while. Trying to mute out the sobs coming from under me. I still feel really bad. I know I should go back and talk to him, but I can't. I just can't. He seems so broken right now, I probably couldn't fix it.

"The drugs can though."

I sat up quickly. Looking around to see where that came from.

"Hello? Who's there? Sh-Show yourself." I stuttered.

No answer.

Maybe it was in my head. I mean, I am technically in the loony bin. I wouldn't be surprised. I layed beck down, and breathed deeply. Trying to calm myself down.

"SHANE!" I heard scream. I'm not surprised it probably came from G's room. "PLEASE I NEED YOU!"

"Shane?" A soft voice spoke. I also heard knocking.

"Come in." I whisper.

I saw my door slowly open. In came Mrs. Emma with a clipboard. "Shane. Black haired guy is screaming your name."

"I can hear." I sigh.

"Can you go down there and make him...calm?"

"Yeah. I'll go in a minute."

She waited a couple seconds before responding. I could feel her eyes burning a hole in my side. It wasn't comfortable.

"Okay." she said quietly.

After about a minute of silence, I heard my door close, and footsteps walking down the hallway.

I also heard screaming. I should probably go down to his room now.

I slowly got up, and ran a hand through my hair. I walked downstairs, and stopped. I stood at the bottom of the stairs.

How will he react? Will he slap me? Hug me? Kiss me, I have no clue. And that's what I hate. You never know something until it happens. I like to know what’s going to happen before I do it. But, I have to take risks sometimes.

I began to walk toward his room. Which is all the way down the hall. (My room is on top of his) It felt like forever to get there. But in reality it was a few seconds.

"Hey make him shut up. I have a headache." Daniel said as he shoved me into the wall and walked the opposite direction. I looked at him walking away. The nerve of some people.

I got myself together, and walked the rest of the way to his room.

"G." I knocked. "G. It's me. Open up please."

The screams and cries stopped. The door swung open, and their stood the pale, black haired boy with a tear stained face.

"Why did you leave?" he sniffled.

"Because. Let’s talk about this in private."

"Okay." he said walking back into his room. I followed him and closed the door behind me. Once I heard the click, G literally pounced on me. Engulfing me in the biggest, tightest hug I have ever had.

"Thanks for coming back." he said into my shirt.

"You're welcome." I said rubbing his back slightly.

"I love you." he said drowsily.

"Okay." I said knowing that he is still high.

"Do you wanna sit?"


He let go of me, and sat on his bed. I sat next to him, and put my head in my hands.

"You okay?" he asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

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