Part 1: Three's a Crowd

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It was the prom night. Like a whitw knight on a carraiage, he drove me to the hall with his bulging muscels grasping the wheel of his volkswagen beetle. As we walked in, his sweaty palms merged to mine like elmer's glue (TM, i do not own elmer's glue so dont take down this story pls thanks), I saw another group of people leave a cheap and unromantic limo. I pitied them because they were my friends.

Were. They didnt like dominik at all, so i left them. I felt bad because they could never understand my relationship with dominik. They would never feel dominiks warm hands crisp across my face like i did the night before when i showed him the tickets.

The dancing started and my man rushed to the dance floor. My heart beat waiting for a slow song to play so i could lean against dominik, his mushy chest cooling my bruises. But the slow song came on and dommy was nowhere to be found! I looked around the miserble couples and saw his strong arms wrapped around the waist of another women. I couldnt believe what i was seeing, dominik had been dancing witha nother girl. It was so...........

Romantic. He was so dominant, ad he clearly still loved me even though his salad fingers were halfway through the waistline of his newfound date's dress. As is typical when i'm away from my dom-dom for more than three minutes, i started sweating profusely and hyperventalating. I did what i had to do.

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