Part 2: The Closet

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I walked over to meet my lover on the dance floor. With each step i took his strong grabbers dropped an inch deeper into her pants. By the time i got to her his figgers were around her butt, but i didnt care. I crept in between the two and rested my head against dominiks pecs.

"What the fr*ck do you think your doing" he said to me. I loved hearing his dominant voice reverberate in my ears like a raging machine.

He took his hands out of the other girls ass and relocated it to my face. I told him i wanted to dance with him for the slow song. He let out a deep sigh, his musty italian breath brushing against my face like wind through an open door. Dominik turned to the other woman and said "Soery babe, i gotta take care of this one for now" i was only a little jealous because i wanted him to call me babe, but i was ok with "disposable pussy", it had a nice ring to it.

As he dragged me out of the hall i could see my former friends look on with a twisted grimace, almost as if they were laughing (i knew better though, dominik was good friends with them after all). I caught a glimpse of the tall white, almost emaciated teen and the shorter asian one with the pink umbrella, both with glasses. I only wish theyre relationship was as romantic as mines, even if they insist they arent gay.

He pushed me into the back seat of the volkswagen beetle and drove quickly to his home, which was only a few houses away from mines. It was useful for visiting him often but he usually visited the othrr houses more. Nothing wrong with guys being dudes though, dominik loves hanging with the bros.

As he pushed me into his bedroom, dominik had an angery look on his face. "Since you interrupted my dance, you have to do what i want to make up for it" he said. I got excited wondering what he was going to do. Some nights i succd him, other nights we would do roleplay. I remember when i played a submissive girlfriend being beatn by her abusive husband. It was exciting but dominik and i knew how to divide fantasy from reality.

He opened a cabinet and dust sprayed throughout the room, diffusing into a thick mist.

"Put this on" he said.

How could i fit into the decorated fursuit he had just presented to me?

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