Chapter 8

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Charlotte's P.O.V

"I fucking love you Charlotte!" Danny said panting

"I fucking love you too." I said and I fell asleep in his arms

It has been 2 weeks since me and Danny had sex. Him and Harry made up. Well, Harry doesnt want to kill him but he doesnt know we had sex. Danny was round at Toms writing songs when I realised that I was due on my period four days ago. I quickly got up, puled some vans on and walked down to the shop and bought a pregnency test. I ran home and peed on the stick and waited two minutes. I looked at the stick and it was positive. 

What can I do! Harry will murder Danny and Danny and me dont even go out! 

I walked down to road to Toms house and went inside. Thankfuly, Tom and Danny were upstairs and Gi was sat in the kitchen.

"Hi Charlotte!" She said but I told her to be quiet

"Please help I dont know what to do! About two weeks ago me and Danny had sex and I have missed my period and the test says Im pregnant!" I blurted out

"Thats bad. What are you going to do! You have to tell Harry and Danny!"

"Well should we go see Harry now because Danny is here? Yeh lets go!" I said talking to myself. Gi followed me out the door and over to Harrys where he was on the sofa watching TV.

"Harry?" Gi said and Harry looked up "Charlote has some news to tell you but dont freak out because she is already scared to tell you it"

"Whats up Charlotte?"



"Me and Danny had sex and now I am probobly pregnat" I said looking doawn at my feet.

"Why did you have sex with Danny!"

"Im sorry! It was when it was thundering and I went into Dannys room and we started kissing and then one thing led to another. Please dont hurt him. Its my fault for going into his room and I started it!"

"What about Georgia?"

"Danny had a fight with her because she was annoying me so I kissed Danny infromt of her"

"Wait! When was this?"

"That day you broke Dannys arm and we were on the news"

"So you have kissed him like three times and had sex with him!"

"It could be four times"

"Fuck sake Charlotte. Hvae you told Danny?" I shook my head "Well phone him and tell him to come home and tell him"

"Thanks Harry" I said giving him a hug. Me and Gi walked out the door.

"Want me to tell him to go home because you want to see him" Gi asked

"Please. See you later and thats for the help Gi" I said walking into my house.

I went inside and sat down on the sofa. I turned on the TV and MTV news was on. "Is it true that Danny Jones and Georgia Horsley have split? Danny Jones was caught kissing Charlotte Judd, brother of Danny's bandmate, Harry, on the 22nd of July in Hyde Park. Later the same day he came home from hospital with Charlotte with a brocken arm. Has he got into a fight with Harry. They were acting weird around each other. What does Georgia think of all this?" The person on MTV said.

I turned the tv off and threw the remote across the room, knocking a picture of Dannys dogs of a shelf. Suddenly I feel a pair of hands on my shoulders and I stiffen up, wondering who it is. The hands started to gently massage my shoukders relaxing me. "Its only me" Danny whispered in my ear, making me smile. He kissed and nibbled onmy ear lobe and then stood back up. He worked on my shouders for a little longer so he knew I was comleatly relaxed. "So, Gi said you have something important to tell me?"

"Remember when we had sex about two weeks ago?" He bit his lip and nodded "Well I'm four days late on my period and I took a test and it was positive"

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