3 - Retracing

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She felt herself awaken from an inactive state she'd placed herself in to rest. He'd activated his helmet and the HUD along with it, so here she was as well. She hadn't been moved into a data core yet, so until she was then she was stuck in-

Something was wrong. His heartbeat was elevated beyond normal levels, a sign of fear. A quick systems check showed that he was fully equipped with his gear including his Pilot suit and jump-kit. Strapped to his side was a P2016, and in his hands was an R-97. He was prepared for a fight- but against what?

As she watched through the helmet's visor interface, he stole down a corridor of the frigate they were stationed on. The majority of power was out, the only light in the halls being a flashlight attached under the barrel of his gun.

"Tobias," she whispered, "what's going on?"

He made sure to check the next corner before replying, "Something happened, Kay. Something bad."

"What is it?"

"Spyglass, my old Fleet Admiral of the Remnant forces- he's making a move while we're still recovering from the Amalgamation. He's made an offer, some kind of deal- the frontier is under his control now."

That was certainly something to be nervous about. "Why is the ship out of power?"

"I was on the bridge when we got the message. We had several people immediately give in- most people gave in. I had to find a way to hide." He crouched low upon hearing something moving in the corridors ahead. "I don't know who to trust, so I shut down power to give us a better chance of grabbing a ship and getting the hell out of here. Not just that, but it means that the frigate won't be picked up on any sensors."

"Why would that be an issue?"

"The leaders of Militia and IMC alike are dead; Graves, maybe Briggs, I don't know. Spyglass killed them. As far as I know, I'm pretty much all that's left, and that means that he'll be looking for me."

This was all happening so suddenly; had she been a fool to think that perhaps just this once they could be spared a chance at tranquility?

He raised his gun upon hearing patters of footsteps approaching from the far side of the hall. After a moment or two, a group of four individuals stepped forward; three riflemen and a Pilot. Kay waited to see how the situation would play out.

"Admiral Four," the Pilot said, her voice non-hostile but firm. "It would appear that the power is out. Where are you going?"

He refused to lower the gun, keeping his aimed trained on a midpoint so that no matter where he aimed he'd hit someone. "As long as I'm here, I endanger all of you. Spyglass will be searching for me. Get out of my way."

She took a step forward, causing red flags to light up in Kay's mind. "You heard him, Admiral. True peace on the frontier at last; are you really so against the idea?"

"The whole reason I fight is for peace," he growled. "I guarantee you that this is not what you think it is. Forcing it upon people isn't peace, it's enslavement. After everything I've done, you really think you can question where I stand?"

The Pilot gave a deep breath, and Kay noticed the other three riflemen raising their weapons ever so slowly. Silently, she highlighted them on his HUD as potential threats.

"Most of us are content with what he's offered, Admiral. You may be the ranking officer; but if you're going to fight this, then you're unfit for duty. You're either with us or against us."

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