:02: cures and pills

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IT WAS REALLY JUST A TALENT she had, waking up in the randomest of places. This time, it wasn't noticeable to be outside. Instead, it was a room with tall, white walls and groups of people that stood around where she was laying expectantly, with seemingly happy expressions on their faces.

"What's going on?" Her face went pale. "Who are you?"

"Oh," a woman chuckled, someone who wore a white jumper that had a large red plus sign imprinted on the part that layered over her lower abdomen. She seemed to work there - wherever 'there' was. "We are in the process of curing you. You can go home today, but you need to dose yourself daily with the pills we have for you."


"The ones that are left on the counter over there," she tried to clarify, nodding towards a dresser-like-thing with a bottle on it. The bottle had the pills, she realized. Only, one problem: what were these 'pills'?

"Okay." She gave up on asking more about the medical things, as her mind spiralled into a direction that it always seemed to go. "Um... Who brought me here?"

"Kade is his name. Nice kid, he is. Why? Didn't you know?" The lady questioned, the lady she still lacked a name for.

"No, I actually didn't."

"Shame, that is." Her eyes flicked to the clock, "I think it's best you'd go now. Other patients need to be treated and all."

She nodded, a fake smile forming itself onto her face. Where would she go, anyway? It wasn't as if she had a home that she knew about. Still, she grabbed the pills and headed for the door, only to be greeted by a familiar blue-eyed boy.

"Hey," his lips quirked up into a grin. Unlike hers, she could sense that his smile was genuine. "Are you all good now?"

"I think so," she replied, "but why are you still here?"

"What do you mean?" His expression suddenly dropped. His perfectly fitted happy features were now neutral, almost sad ones.

"I mean," she gulped. She didn't want to make anyone upset, of course. She simply wanted answers. "You have been nothing but kind to me. Why are you still here, helping me?"

"Like I said, helping people is the best thing that I do. Favorite one. It's sort of the greatest thing you can do in life; it exceeds farther than anyone specifically intelligent or talented could ever succeed to do."

All she could do was grin even more at that, because it was proof that the exact same person that happened to stumble across her earlier also has an amazing heart. It was unclear to her how she wanted to spend her future - as she barely knew what anything was at this point, but she aspired to be similar to how he was now, a person that religiously continued to spread kindness and show it.

"Thank you," she breathed. "Really."

"Don't mention it. Compared to what I could do, this was nothing."

It finally struck her that she could properly walk again, and everything flooding her mind made her even more confused than before.

"How come I can... I can -"

He cut her off, "you can walk again because they mostly cured you."

She opened her mouth to talk but then shut it again. The shock of the situation was close to unbearable; the way she originally had a problem to be cured even felt odd to think of.

"Where will I go, now?" Her voice fell down to a whisper.

"Your home, of course." He laughed it off as if it was nothing, but after seeing that she wasn't, he stopped immediately.

"You... Have a home, yes?" He  eventually asked, his eyebrows once again furrowed together in worry, something he had seemed to do a lot.

After shaking her head, he simply sighed and brought her to his car.

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