13: Beaten In Lips

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As if life isn't hard already, add it to the list of things to forget

With one chance to define ourselves, we're gonna keep on living

Keep on living

This is for the kids with the beaten in lips

Whose parents tried to shut them up using their fists

Keep living loud and proud, they never can hold you down

This is for the kids with a soul like mine

When people tell you living is a waste of your time

Keep living loud and proud, they never can hold you down

At lunchtime, instead of eating actual lunch, we ended up in the office. Apparently, that's what happens when there's a large fight before school with multiple witnesses.

"So the story that we have figured out, from all the stories given, is rather interesting."

Kellan blurts out, "Excuse me, sir, but do we have to sit on the kindergarten carpet? We're all high school students, after all."

"Are you? Are you really? And besides, there's only two chairs, it's not fair to treat some of you better than others."

Oh sure. Now, he feels that way.

"Anyways. The story, which, as last time, has stayed pretty constant except for 5 re-tellings, is that Riley was at his locker, writing something down, when Grant, Ryan, Daniel, and Kellan grabbed his notebook and used it to incite the fight. Obviously, they probably didn't all grab the notebook at once, but anyways. The crowd gathered around before Cameron even walked near the scene. When Cameron interrupted the fight, he tried for a verbal solution, and when the fight didn't stop, he jumped in to defend his friend. Riley then attempted to defend his friend. It can be said that the situation could've been handled better," he says, looking at Cam, who dropped his gaze to his hands, "however, given the fact of the timing and the nature of the incident... Well, anyways. So you four up here, in the front, 3 days of detention. I don't want to see another incident anytime soon. Dismissed."

They all stood up and left. "You eight, the witnesses. Thank you for your honesty. 7 of you may go. Michael, stay." The dismissed 7 left. "Michael, if you have an issue with them, you need to say so. I understand the circumstances, and this time the odds were in your favor, but if you feel threatened by any student, you need to let someone know."

This kid was small, okay? Tiny. I could see why he'd be scared of people like them, if that was the case. "Yes sir. I'm sorry."

Principal Evans thinks for a moment. "Have you met Cam and Riley?" Michael shakes his head. "Cameron, Riley, this is my nephew, Michael. He won't admit it, but it seems he might have a bit of conflict with those 4, as well. Anyways, Michael, you're dismissed."

He leaves, and Principal Evans waits for the door to close before he speaks. "This is a warning. I understand the circumstances, now, but in the future, if it's possible, please alert a teacher, rather than fighting them. I understand it was in self-defense, and because of that, I can't punish you, but I will advise against doing that again in the future. Don't become the people you're against. I can understand fighting out of necessity, but when you're safe, stop. Understand?" We nod. "Dismissed. Go eat lunch."

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