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As Hyria ran off she mumbled that she knew her strength,and could defeat the queen.A few hours later after her walking,and walking,and walking,Hyria bumped into these terrible ugly monsters!She pulled out her axe again,but every time Hyria hit them a beast a fire force field shined around them.Each hit Hyria just got more,and more damaged ,but didn't give up.Soon Hyria was all ripped and on the floor.Hyria looked dead so the monsters left,but right at the minute when Hyria faintly lifted her body a evil red figure smote her in the head.Hyria woke up and as soon as she knew there was Queen Vellum."Why are you here ,how dare you enter my domain ,EXPLAIN YOURSELF!!",cried Vellum."Im Hyria,daughter of King Typherius,and I come here to end you!!",screamed Hyria."Well how about we give you a warm welcome instead",offered Vellum.Hyria agreed and they went to a not-so-pleasant room.At that very moment beasts crowded her and ripped her clothes.Evil witches set spells of dislike,Unlucky spells,and death spells.Hyria yelled ,"LIAR!"Hey I'm an evil Queen your a goner.",said Queen Vellum with an evil laugh.

",said Queen Vellum with an evil laugh

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